Agenda item

P14/V2286/O - Orchard Way, Harwell, OX11 0LH

Outline application for a residential development of up to nine dwellings, with all matters reserved except for access.


The officer presented the report on application P14/V2286/O for outline planning permission for a residential development of up to 9 dwellings, with all matters reserved except for access at Orchard Way, Harwell, OX11 0LH.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which forms part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Updates from the report: The officer provided an addendum report to members prior to the meeting, containing the following updates:

  1. Contributions and affordable housing.

An amended ministerial statement dated 28 November 2014 has stated that for sites of 10 units or less and which have a combined gross floor space of 1,000 square metres, affordable housing and tariff style contributions should not be sought. The application total floor space has been amended to 919 square metres; therefore officers advise that the council should no longer request developer contributions or affordable housing for this development. An extra condition will be attached to limit the floor space of the development to 1,000 square metres or less. The applicant will be making a voluntary contribution of £28,000 towards contributions requested by the parish council, as set out in Section 6.46 in the committee report.

  1. Update on Housing Land Supply.

The 2014 Housing Supply Statement, published after the committee report concludes that the district still has a housing land supply shortfall as at 30 September 2014; however the officer deems this will have no material impact on the conclusions reached in the committee report.

  1. Additional comments from County Council.

Responding to local residents’ concerns about the traffic survey, loss of parking and safety concerns; County Officers state that there could possibly be a  minor loss of parking on street but that sufficient parking will remain to provide for existing dwellings and that the county has also requested a condition requiring the developer to adhere to the Council’s parking standards, listed within section 8 of the committee report. Regarding the loss of parking space for 33 Orchard Way, this is not an official private parking space.

  1. Provision of pedestrian access through the site.

Since the publication of the committee report, the applicant has confirmed that they are willing to accept a planning condition requiring the retention of pedestrian access through the site.


David Marsh, a representative of Harwell Parish Council, spoke against the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Traffic issues raised by the residents being dismissed by Highways;

·         Parking and an increase in congestion;

·         Disappointment with the lack of affordable housing;

·         The voluntary contribution is welcome, but would like to ensure it happens;

·         Pedestrian access is welcome, but asks for input.


Jeremy Hawthorne, a local resident, spoke against the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Access onto the junction;

·         Loss of parking;

·         Space for refuse lorries;

·         Overlooking for residents at numbers 31 and 29; and

·         Feasibility of extending footpath access to recreation ground and school.


Paul Butt, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. His speech referred to the following:

  • There will be a minimum loss of on street parking;
  • The applicant is willing to provide two car parking spaces within the site for number 33 Orchard Way;
  • It is not possible to extend the footpath all the way to the recreation ground as the applicant does not own all the land but willing to speak to the owners; and
  • The £28,000 voluntary contributions are a private matter between the parties.


The committee considered this application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·         Ensuring the site does not exceed 1000 square metres through a condition at reserved matters;

·         Adding a condition to include parking for number 33 Orchard Way; and

·         Adding a condition ensuring pedestrian access through the site.



RESOLVED (for 12; against 1; abstentions 1)


To authorise the head of planning in consultation with the committee chairman to grant planning permission to approve application P14/V2286/O, subject to the following conditions:

      i.        A legal agreement with Oxfordshire County Council and the district council to secure the contributions identified in Section 6.46 of the report.

    ii.        Conditions as follows:

1.    Outline approval commencement - three years.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) compliant Drainage Strategy to be agreed.

4.    Travel Information Packs to be developed for each dwelling and approved in consultation with the county council before first occupation.

5.    Detailed internal layout to accord with OCC Manual for Streets principles, including servicing/emergency vehicle access/egress, and constructed to adoptable standards.

6.    Construction Traffic Management Plan to be agreed.

7.    Details of a waste collection point next to the adopted highway to be provided.

8.    Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI).

9.    Staged programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation following

10. WSI.

11. Recommendations set out within Ecological Assessment dated October

12. 2014 to be followed.

13. Non-Motorised Users Audit (NMUA) to be carried out and approved in consultation with the Local Highway Authority.

14. Details of a biodiversity offsetting scheme.

15. Both rows of trees along the western boundary of the site to be retained.

16. First floor windows in eastern elevation of plots 1 and 6 to be obscure glazed and fixed shut to a height of 1.7 metres.

17. To include two parking spaces for 33 Orchard Way within the application site.

18. To ensure pedestrian access throughout the site.

19. To ensure the site footprint does not exceed 1,000 square metres.

Supporting documents: