Agenda item

Notices of motion under standing order 11

To receive notices of motion under standing order 11.

1.  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Richard Webber, seconded by Councillor Catherine Webber


                      This council believes that the present system of s106 negotiations leaves much to be desired, and that council should begin immediately the revision of our present process to produce a system which is more open, more transparent and includes input from parish and town councils.


2.  Motion to be proposed by Councillor Debby Hallett, seconded by  Councillor Jim Halliday


 Council recognises that residents have reported that they rely on written communications to get their council information. To better serve the people of the Vale, Council requests Cabinet to include in their 2015-16 budget, a programme for circulating, on a regular basis to all Vale households, written information about Vale activities, services and programmes.



Council considered the following motions submitted under standing order 11.


1.  Motion proposed by Councillor Richard Webber and seconded by Councillor Catherine Webber


                      This council believes that the present system of s106 negotiations leaves much to be desired, and that council should begin immediately the revision of our present process to produce a system which is more open, more transparent and includes input from parish and town councils.


The following amendment moved by Councillor Roger Cox and seconded by Councillor Matthew Barber, with additional words shown in bold and deleted words marked with a strikethrough, was accepted by the mover and seconder of the original motion with the consent of Council.


‘This council believes that the present system of s106 negotiations leaves much to be desired, and that the council should continue to revise the begin immediately the revision of our presentprocess to produce a system which is more open, more transparent and includes input from parish and town councils.’ 




THAT this council believes that the present system of s106 negotiations leaves much to be desired, and that the council should continue to revise the process to produce a system which is more open, more transparent and includes input from parish and town councils.


2.  Motion proposed by Councillor Debby Hallett, seconded by Councillor Jim Halliday


 Council recognises that residents have reported that they rely on written communications to get their council information. To better serve the people of the Vale, Council requests Cabinet to include in their 2015-16 budget, a programme for circulating, on a regular basis to all Vale households, written information about Vale activities, services and programmes.

Councillor Yvonne Constance moved and Councillor St John Dickson seconded the following amendment with additional words shown in bold and deleted words marked with a strikethrough:


‘Council recognises that some residents have reported that they rely on written communications to get their council information. To better serve the people of the Vale, and in the interests of efficiency, Council requests Cabinet to include in their 2015-16 budget, a programme for circulating, on a regular basis to all Vale households,written information about Vale activities, service and programmes with future council tax demands.’ 


In supporting the original motion a number of councillors expressed the view that residents rely on regular written communication to remain informed about council services and events. However, other councillors expressed the view that regular written communication was an inefficient use of resources with the majority of resident’s accessing information online.



The chairman called for a recorded vote on the amendment.







John Amys

Margaret Crick

Mike Badcock

Marilyn Badcock

Tony de Vere


Matthew Barber

Debby Hallett


Eric Batts

Jeanette Halliday


Yvonne Constance

Jim Halliday


Roger Cox

Jenny Hannaby


Charlotte Dickson

Dudley Hoddinott


St John Dickson

Bob Johnston


Anthony Hayward

Pat Lonergan


Simon Howell

Ron Mansfield


Bill Jones

Sue Marchant



Julie Mayhew-Archer


Sandy Lovatt

Elizabeth Miles


Gill Morgan

Jerry Patterson


Robert Sharp

Helen Pighills


Janet Shelley

Judy Roberts


Alison Thomson

Val Shaw


Melinda Tilley

Andrew Skinner


Margaret Turner

Catherine Webber


Reg Waite

Richard Webber


Elaine Ware

John Woodford










The chairman declared the amendment carried on his casting vote.


On being put the substantive motion, as amended, was declared carried.



‘That Council recognises that some residents have reported that they rely on written communications to get their council information. To better serve the people of the Vale, and in the interests of efficiency, Council requests Cabinet to include written information about Vale activities, service and programmes with future council tax demands.’ 



Vale of White Horse District Council