Agenda item

P14/V0676/FUL Land at Sutton Road, Milton

Application summary: Residential development comprising 31 units, public open space and access (as amplified by drainage detail accompanying email from agent dated 14 May 2014 and drawings and information received 28 July 2014).


The officer presented the report on planning application P14/V0676/FUL for residential development comprising 31 dwellings, public open space and access on land at Sutton Road, Milton.  Consultation responses, relevant policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were set out in the report. 


The officer gave an update to the report suggesting an additional condition to require 10 per cent of the housing to be provided to the Lifetime Home Standard.  He also reported that section 106 agreement financial contributions had been agreed: £70,553 towards leisure provision, £47,928 towards public open space provision, and £14,826 towards children’s play equipment. 


Mr Pattison, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application as he believed the density and layout of the site were inappropriate.  There would be overshadowing from the tall trees along the southern boundary also.  This development would reduce the gap between Milton and Sutton Courtenay.  He also objected to the position of the parking area which would be adjacent to his garden and asked that the layout was revised to avoid this. 


Ken Dijksman, the applicant’s agent, reported that the developer had met all of the council’s requirements and presented a deliverable scheme that would contain 12 affordable homes. 


Councillor Margaret Turner, one of the ward councillors, did not believe that Milton was a large village with good facilities and that Milton Heights, on the opposite side of the A34, could not reasonably be included in the assessment of local facilities.  She urged officers to ensure that condition 22, to retain garage accommodation, must be enforced.  She also expressed concerns at the erosion of the gap to Sutton Courtenay; this must be protected. 


The committee did not consider it was reasonable to require a re-design of the site layout to reposition the garage area.  Instead, the applicant should be asked to provide a two-metre high fence between the garage/parking area and the neighbouring property, 19 Heather Road. 


Whilst some concern was expressed at the cumulative impact of many developments adding to the traffic along to Milton to Sutton Courtenay road, the committee noted that the county council had not objected to the application.  Therefore, the committee considered that the application was acceptable. 


RESOLVED (14 for, none against)


To delegate authority to grant planning permission to the head of planning in consultation with the committee chairman, subject to:

(i)         a section 106 agreement with both the county council and district council in order to secure contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure the affordable housing; and


(ii)        conditions as follows:

1 : Commencement One Year

2 : Approved plans

3 : Slab and ridge levels to be agreed

4 : Sample materials to be agreed

5 : Panel of walling materials to be agreed

6 : Construction Traffic Management Plan to be agreed

7 : Green Travel Plans to be agreed

8 : Archaeological Watching Brief to be agreed

9 : Programme or Archaeological Work to be agreed

10 : Refuse Storage to be agreed

11 : Contaminated Land Risk Assessment to be agreed

12 : Surface and Foul Drainage Strategies to be agreed

13 : Sustainable Drainage Scheme to be agreed

14 : Landscaping Scheme to be agreed

15 : Implementation of landscaping scheme to be agreed

16 : Tree Protection to be agreed

17 : Southern boundary hedgerow to be retained

18 : Boundary Details to be agreed, to include a two-metre high fence adjacent to No. 19 Heather Road

19 : Access, Parking & Turning as approved

20 : Estate roads completed prior to occupation

21 : No Drainage to Highway

22 : Garage Accommodation to be retained

23 : Wildlife Protection as approved

Supporting documents: