Agenda item

P14/V0576/O Land west of Bellinger's Garage, Station Road, Grove

Application summary: Residential development comprising the erection of up to 75 dwellings including access (as amplified by Drainage Strategy, Flood Risk Assessment & Illustrative Layout received 22 August 2014).


The officer presented the report on planning application P14/V0576/O for residential development comprising up to 75 dwellings including access, on land at Bellinger’s Garage, Station Road, Grove.  Consultation responses, relevant policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were set out in the report. 


June Stock, representing Grove Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application as this site was considered to be part of the Monk’s Farm development north of the village.  Without a master plan for the whole site, this application should be rejected as there was no plan for facilities to service the whole development such as a primary school, employment, shops, or footpaths to the village.  The site was also prone to flooding so there should be a sustainable urban drainage scheme. 


David Jackson, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.  The developer was committed to the scheme and would begin construction early in 2015.  This site was integral to the development north of the village. 


Councillor Sue Marchant, one of the ward councillors, reiterated concerns expressed by the parish council. 


The committee considered that it could not refuse this application for the lack of a master plan for the site as the council did not currently have a five-year housing land supply; therefore the application had to be determined on its merits.  The proposed development was considered acceptable and the proposed conditions reasonable, with contributions towards local infrastructure.  The site had also been included in the emerging local plan for housing development.  Also, the drainage engineer had withdrawn his objection.  It was noted that discussions were ongoing with the county council for school provision; the developers would be required to contribute funding for education. 


RESOLVED (for 11, against 1, abstentions 2)


To delegate authority to grant outline planning permission to the head of planning in consultation with the committee chairman and the three local ward members, subject to:


(i)         section 106 agreements to secure the affordable housing and the requested financial contributions, and


(ii)        conditions as follows:

1 : TL2 – Time Limit (Outline Apps)

2 : OL2 - Standard OL Condition (Excluding Access)

3 : Approved plans

4 : Maximum number of dwellings

5 : Access in accordance with specified plan

6 : Landscape

7 : Trees

8 : Maintenance plan of Open Space/Play Areas

9 : Prior to the commencement of the development, a detailed sustainable drainage scheme for foul and surface water of the development shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented prior to the occupation of any dwelling to which the scheme relates.

10 : The detailed drainage scheme to be developed and implemented in accordance with the submitted Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment version 9 dated 5 August 2014 prepared by CH2M HILL (formerly Halcrow Group Ltd).

11 : Garage accommodation

12 :The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the Assessment and Mitigation Proposals contained in Chapter 5 of Ecological Assessment (Hankinson Duckett Associates March 2014) in all respects. Any variation shall be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before such change is made. This condition will be discharged on receipt of a letter from the project ecologist stating that the mitigation has been completed according to the approved report.

13 : No development shall take place until full details of a habitat creation and restoration scheme for the green spaces to the west of the site including the corridor of the Letcombe Brook have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These works shall be carried out as approved. The developer should liaise with both the Local Planning Authority and the Letcombe Brook Project when developing the plans. Details to be submitted should include but not be limited to: (i) Purpose, aims and objectives for the scheme; (ii) A review of the site's ecological potential and any constraints; (iii) Description of target habitats and range of species appropriate for the site; (iv) Selection of appropriate strategies for creating / restoring target habitats or introducing target species; (v) Selection of specific techniques and practices for establishing vegetation; (vi) Sources of habitat materials (e.g. plant stock) or species individuals; (vii) Method statement for site preparation and establishment of target features; (viii) Extent and location of proposed works; (ix) Aftercare and long term management; (x) The personnel responsible for the work; (xi) Timing of the works; (xii) Monitoring; (xiii) Disposal of wastes arising from the works. All habitat creation works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved in writing by the local planning authority. The works shall be carried out prior to the occupation of any part of the development.

14 : Private housing mix and build out rate to be agreed

15 : Travel plan for both phases to be submitted

16 : Construction environmental management plan

17 : Written scheme of archaeological investigation

18 : Staged programme of archaeological investigation

19 : MC22 – Contamination

20 : noise mitigation measures

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