Agenda item

SUT/12063/21-X - Building for storage and distribution warehouse (class B) or employment (class 2) use, gatehouse and sprinkler tank, access, parking and structural planting, land west of Didcot Power Station, Didcot


Further to the report, the Committee was advised that there was an established commercial use on part of the site and that great crusted newts had been found on the neighbouring site.


The Committee was further advised that the County Archaeologist now supported the application subject to a condition to provide that an archaeological evaluation of the site should be carried out but not necessarily before planning permission is granted.


The Committee was advised of the concerns of the local member regarding the possibility of traffic from the development following a northerly route through Sutton Courtenay.  He had discussed with the Officers the capping of the number of vehicles.  However, having spoken to the County Engineer it had been confirmed that it would be difficult to do this.  It was noted that the nature of a distribution use involved vehicles and their movement and that to determine and enforce a top limit on numbers of vehicles would be difficult to achieve.  The Officer had also investigated the inclusion of a condition to the same affect, but this would not be enforceable.  The Officer understood the concerns raised regarding the cumulative effect of allowing such applications but the County Engineer felt that the routing agreement covered this.


The Committee was advised of a letter received from DPDS on behalf of Milton Park commenting that it had no objection subject to a routing plan and a financial contribution towards the local highway network.


Finally, the Committee was advised that should it be minded to approve the application, a condition should be included to address the issue of ecological mitigation.


Mr M McFarland, the applicant’s agent made a statement in support of the application confirming that the site was previously developed land.  He commented that whilst the application was for outline permission it was supported by the Highway Authority, the County Archaeologist, the Environment Agency and others.  He referred to the Parish Council’s response which he suggested referred to general points and not specifically to this application.  He explained that the routing agreement was similar to other developments and there would be improvements to the junction with Sutton Courtenay Lane to prevent right turning.  Finally, he clarified that the wider transport issues would be addressed under other means via a contribution which was to be made. 


One Member referred to the objection made by Milton Parish Council reiterating that increased traffic in this area would be detrimental.  She agreed that capping the number of vehicles would be unenforceable but considered that the provisions of any routing agreement needed further investigation and she asked that the local Member be involved in any consultations on the proposed traffic route.  She expressed concern regarding the cumulative impact of these types of applications commenting on the concerns of local people.


In response the Officers advised that the routing agreement was a separate agreement made with the County Council and therefore it was not up to this Authority to specify who should be involved in any consultation. 


One Member commented that there was no reason to refuse the application.  He suggested that earlier routing agreements did largely stop heavy goods vehicles travelling through Sutton Courtenay.  He commented that whilst there were ongoing discussions regarding traffic in this area, there were no firm plans to improve the Milton interchange and the A34. He suggested that at some point decisions would have to be taken to prevent further developments pending the infrastructure and the A34 being addressed.


The Officers reported that there were measures proposed for a signal junction and three lane traffic at the Milton Interchange.


By 15 votes to 1 it was




that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee and the Local Member be delegated authority to approve application SUT/12063/21-X subject to: -


(i)                        a Section106 agreement relating to contributions to the local highway network;


(ii)                      a HGV routing agreement and travel plan


(iii)                     conditions to include the carrying out of an archaeological evaluation of the site; ecological mitigation measures; the submission of reserved matters; highway improvements; parking; materials; surface water control; drainage details; contaminated land and timing of landscaping.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council