Agenda item

P13/V2731/O Willow Farm, Packhorse Lane, Marcham

Outline for erection of 54 dwelling houses, all matters reserved except access.


The officer presented the report on application P13/V2731/O for outline permission for the erection of 54 dwelling houses with all matters reserved except access at Willow Farm, Packhorse Lane, Marcham, OX13 6NU.         


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which forms part of the agenda pack for this meeting. There were no updates to the report.


David Walton, representing Marcham Parish Council, spoke about the application. He said that:

·         the parish council had not voted to reject this application but would prefer a lower housing density and were concerned that the projected number of children was too low;

·         the S106 agreement should require a new primary school classroom;

·         a road through this development linking to adjacent sites, two-lane with pavement, should be provided;

·         local design guidelines should be taken into account.


Bob Anderson, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns related to the proposed access onto the busy main road, and the effect on the bus stop and access to the houses opposite the site.


Debbie Jones, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application. Her speech included the following:

·         the layout was illustrative;

·         the final design details were to be agreed and would respect the village’s design guidelines;

·         the applicant was aware of the need to discuss the location of the bus stop with the highways authority.


Councillor Catherine Webber, one of the ward councillors, spoke about the application. The points she raised included concerns about the higher than preferred density; education provision and links between separate but adjacent developments.


The committee considered this application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered access, internal connections between developments, and education provision.


RESOLVED: (for 12; against 0; abstentions1)


to grant outline planning permission for application P13/V2731/O, Willow Farm Packhorse Lane Marcham, OX13 6NU, subject to:


completion of section 106 agreements to secure:

·        on-site affordable housing provision

·        on-site open space provision

·        contributions towards off-site facilities and services


and the following conditions:

1.      Requirement for receipt of a reserved matters application or a detailed scheme within six months and the scheme to be available for implementation within 18 months from the date of the outline permission to help address the immediate housing land shortfall.

2.      Approved plans.

3.      Details of access onto Packhorse lane.

4.      MC2 - materials (samples).

5.      HY6 - access, parking  and turning in accordance with plan.

6.      HY12 - new estate roads.

7.      LS1 - landscaping scheme.

8.      Open space management plan.

9.      LS4 - tree protection.

10. Drainage details (surface and foul).

11. Sustainable drainage scheme.

12. Drainage strategy in accordance with flood risk assessment.

13. Grampian condition on water capacity.

14. RE7[I] – boundary details in accordance with plan.

15. RE5 - restriction on fences / walls.

16. RE11 - garage accommodation.

17. Refuse bin storage.

18. Cycleway / footpath route network.

19. Construction traffic management plan.

20. Residential travel plan.


and that the issuing of planning permission on completion of the S106 agreement be delegated to head of planning in consultation with the committee chairman.

Supporting documents: