Agenda item

P13/V2428/FUL - 34 North Hinksey Lane, Oxford

Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 9 x 2-bed flats with associated infrastructure and landscaping. New access from North Hinksey Lane (As amended by Drawing No: P02 Revision A accompanying agent's email dated 4 February 2014 and Site Plan Drawing P01 Revision C, Flats 5-9 Drawing P03 Revision C and Elevation/Site Section Drawing P04 Revision C accompanying agent's email dated 1 April 2014).


The officer presented the report on an application for the demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of 9 two-bed flats with associated infrastructure and landscaping with new access from North Hinksey Lane. Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which forms part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Updates from the report

·       One additional letter of objection received, reiterating previous concerns.


Julia Hammett, from North Hinksey Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·        The proposed development would not make a positive contribution to the locality;

·        Overlooking, mass and height;

·        It would be out of character with the local area;

·        It is contrary to the design guide.


Philip Booth a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·        The impact on the local area;

·        Loss of amenity;

·        Potential for parking overspill and increased hazard on a lane which is a designated cycle route and part of the school run.


Peter Uzzell, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application. His speech included the following:

·        The proposal is in a sustainable location and is consistent with the height of the adjoining properties.


Councillor Debby Hallett, one of the ward councillors, spoke objecting to the application. The points she raised included the following:

·        The design is of poor quality and not consistent with the local area;

·        There is inadequate amenity space in the proposal, including a lack of car parking;

·        The  proposed building is too high, has a lat roof and is out of alignment with the neighbours;

·        There would be a loss of light, privacy and overlooking issues.


Councillor Eric Batts, one of the ward councillors, spoke objecting to the application. The points he raised included the following:

·       The proposal does not fit in with the local character;

·       There is inadequate parking.


The committee considered this application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·        The height and effect of the solar panels is still to be agreed and is covered by a condition;

·        Add condition on bin storage;

·        Slab level condition should include that no building work to commence until the slab level has been inspected;

·        Local members to be added to the delegation.


RESOLVED (for 10; against 4; abstentions 0)


To delegate the authority to grant planning permission to the head of planning in consultation with the committee chairman and vice-chairman, and the local ward members, subject to:


a S106 agreement with the County Council in order to secure contributions towards the provision of public transport and


conditions as follows:

1.     Commencement three years;

2.     Approved plans;

3.     Samples of all materials to be agreed;

4.     Sample panel of materials to be provided on site and agreed;

5.     Slab and ridge heights to be agreed and no building work to commence until the slab level has been inspected;

6.     Landscaping scheme to be agreed;

7.     Implementation of landscaping scheme to be agreed

8.     Tree protection to be agreed;

9.     Surface and foul water drainage strategy to be agreed;

10. Sustainable drainage scheme to be agreed;

11.Details of boundary screening to be agreed;

12.Construction traffic management plan to be agreed

13.Details of solar panels to be agreed;

14.Access as approved;

15.Car parking as approved;

16.No drainage to highway ;

17.Bicycle parking as approved ;

18.First and second floor windows to be obscure glazed;

19.Bin storage to be agreed.


If the required section 106 agreements are not completed, and planning permission cannot be granted by 21 July 2014, authority to refuse planning permission will be delegated to the head of planning in consultation with the chairman and vice-chairman.

Supporting documents: