Agenda item

P13/V2562/RM - Land West of Witney Road & South of A420, Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor

Erection of 63 dwellings and 45 unit extra care facility including public open space, landscape and associated works from outline permission P12/V1836/O (As clarified by Drawing No: 354-400 Revision B accompanying agent's email of 13 January 2014 and as amended by Materials Layout Drawing No: H6501/ML/01 Revision B, Affordable Tenure Drawing No: H6501/ATP/01, Landscape Design plan GL0162-01 Revision C and GL0162-02 Revision C, Extra Care Facility Drawing No: H6501_ECF_01 Revision D, Parking Layout H6501/CPL/01 and as clarified by Acoustic Report all dated 28 February 2014 and further amended by Site Plan Drawing No: H6568/PL/01 Revision F and Acoustic Bund Drawing No: H6501/ABD/10 accompanying agents email of 30 April 2014).


The officer presented the report on an application for the erection of 63 dwellings and a 45 unit extra care facility including public open space, landscape and associated works from outline permission P12/V1836/O. Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which forms part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Updates from the report

·       Amended site plan received since publication of committee papers to introduce additional visitor parking to overcome holding objection from OCC Highways


Brian Forster, from Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·        The impact of the care home on the neighbouring properties;

·        The parking arrangements did not appear to be adequate;

·        The proposed level of growth would fundamentally change the nature of the settlements;

·        The parish council wished to see the care home removed from the proposal.


Roy Wolfe a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·        The extra care home was out of keeping with the village setting.


Simon Kirk and Jonathan Headland, on behalf of the applicant and Steve Lynch from SOHA housing, spoke in favour of the application. They raised the following points:

·        The design of the care home and had evolved with consultation and is fully compliant with all policies;

·        This type of tenure has very low parking use.


Councillor Melinda Tilley, the ward councillor, spoke the application. The points she raised included the following:

·        Kingston Bagpuize and Southmoor is increasing by one third.

·        The height of the care home would be too large;

·        The design and layout of the care home is unattractive and resembles a prison;

·        Visitor parking would be an issue;

·        Drainage and foul drainage issues have been raised by both the Vale of White Horse District Council and by Thames Water;

·        School Lane would be under the threat of closure during the construction period.

·        An extra care home is needed, but not this proposal.


The committee considered this application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·        There is a very limited number of two bed houses as part of the proposal;

·        The construction management plan must be enforced;

·        The committee were concerned about dominance, layout, height and location of the extra care facility;

·        The committee were concerned about the security of the site and requested the extra condition of “Secure By Design”.


RESOLVED (for 10; against 4; abstentions 0)


To grant reserved matters approval, subject to the receipt of outstanding technical comments, and to those comments proving to be acceptable, and also subject to:

1.     Commencement within 18 months of outline consent on 11/04/2013;

2.     Approved plans;

3.     Samples of all external materials to be agreed;

4.     Panel of walling materials to be provided on site and agreed;

5.     Parking and turning as approved;

6.     New estate roads to County Council specification;

7.     Garage accommodation to be retained on plots 7, 8, 20, 23, 31, 32, 33, 43, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57 and 63;

8.     No drainage to highway;

9.     Tree protection as approved;

10. Noise mitigation as approved;

11. First floor south western windows of Plot 49 to be obscure glazed;

12. Commencement after all outline consent conditions agreed;

13. The proposed buildings should be “Secure By Design”.

Supporting documents: