Agenda item

Land at Priory Lane, Marcham P13/V2046/FUL

Erection of 16 dwellings with associated garages, new access road, associated works and public open space.


The officer presented the report on a full application for residential development of 16 new homes, with vehicular access off Packhorse Lane, Marcham, and a footway.  Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Updates from the report:

·              The drainage engineer had withdrawn his objection;

·              The applicant had agreed the financial contributions set out in the report.


David Walton, from Marcham Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application; his concerns included:

·              The development would adversely affect the character of the area;

·              It would damage the southern aspect of the village;

·              The access from the site was on to a dangerous bend;

·              The proposed flood area and play areas needed to be separated;

·              The pavement to Abingdon should be at least 1.5 metres wide;

·              The foul drainage system needed upgrading as part of this application. 


Robert Froud-Williams, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application:

·              The proposed development was a second phase in a larger housing development;

·              It would cause no harm to the setting of the nearby listed building nor the character of the village;

·              The drainage strategy had been revised and now there was no objection from the drainage engineer;

·              There were no highways objections;

·              One third of the homes would be affordable;

·              The developer would pay towards the village hall facilities. 


Councillor Catherine Webber, the local ward councillor:

·              Believed that there was a drainage problem at the site and more homes brought greater risk;

·              The access was in a dangerous location;

·              There should be one access for the three adjacent housing developments, not three. 


The committee considered this application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·              The number of homes on this site had been reduced;

·              The development was in keeping with the village;

·              There were three drainage conditions to overcome concerns;

·              Despite the access being onto the bend on Packhorse Lane, there were no highway objections;

·              The developers had worked together to propose one access to the three development sites. 


RESOLVED (for 6; against 3; abstentions 4)


To grant planning permission, subject to:


A section 106 agreement to secure the following:

·              on-site affordable housing provision

·              on site open space provision

·              contributions towards off-site facilities and services


The following conditions:

1 : 12 Month time limit

2 : Approved plans

3 : MC2 - Materials (Samples)

4 : Details of access onto Packhorse Lane

5 : HY6 - Access, parking & turning in accordance with plan

6 : HY12 - New estate roads

7 : LS1 - Landscaping scheme

8 : Open space management plan

9 : LS4 - Tree protection

10 : Drainage details (surface and foul)

11 : Sustainable drainage scheme

12 : Drainage strategy in accordance with the flood risk assessment

13 : RE7[I] – Boundary details in accordance with plan

14 : RE5 - Restriction on fences / walls

15 : RE11 - Garage accommodation

16 : Contaminated land investigation

17 : CN11 - Scheme of archaeological investigation

Supporting documents: