Agenda item

Notices of motion under standing order 11

To receive notices of motion under standing order 11.


1.      Motion to be proposed by Councillor Gervase Duffield, seconder to be confirmed:


“That this Council welcomes Ofwat’s rejection of the recent Thames Water price increase application, and hopes that Ofwat will be specially vigilant on large applications costing vast sums where these can be undercut by reliable cheaper methods”.


  1. Motion to be proposed by Councillor Ron Mansfield, seconded by Councillor Tony de Vere


“Council urges the Cabinet to include appropriate sums for maintenance in its proposed capital budget for 2014/15 and subsequent years to permit the Abbey Meadows Swimming Pool to remain open so that Vale residents can continue enjoy this facility”.


  1. Motion to be proposed by Councillor Jim Halliday, seconded by Councillor Julie Mayhew-Archer


“Council urges the Cabinet to allow any monies unspent (as at 31 March 2014)  by the four Area Committees - both for Capital Grants and New Homes Bonus Grants -  to be carried forward to the next financial year and added to any new allocations that be awarded to the given Area Committee during the 2014/15 budget round”.


  1. Motion to be proposed by Councillor Dudley Hoddinott, seconded by Councillor Jenny Hannaby


“Council urges the Cabinet to include an appropriate sum in its proposed revenue budget for 2014/15 to allow for the community revenue grants scheme to be re-established in order that community groups and organisations may continue to promote the vitality of the District and the well-being of the community”.






1.      Having received the consent of Council to alter a motion of which he had given notice, Councillor Gervase Duffield moved and Councillor Tony de Vere seconded the following motion – additional words shown in bold:


In the light of Thames Water's continuing interest in a major local reservoirthis Council welcomes Ofwat’s rejection of the recent Thames Water price increase application, and hopes that Ofwat will be specially vigilant on large applications costing vast sums where these can be undercut by reliable cheaper methods. This Councilrequests the Chief Executive to convey this motion to Ofwat, Thames Water, and the Vale area MPs, and the Water Minister”. 


In supporting the motion councillors expressed the view that under current arrangements water companies were encouraged to design and build huge schemes, paid for by customers, to increase their asset base and reduce their tax liability. The interests of the consumer were not currently the primary concern of the water companies. Repairing leaks did not generate income whilst large capital infrastructure projects did. In the case of infrastructure projects more weight should be given to the views of local residents and social and environmental issues.



That in the light of Thames Water's continuing interest in a major local reservoirthis Council welcomes Ofwat’s rejection of the recent Thames Water price increase application, and hopes that Ofwat will be specially vigilant on large applications costing vast sums where these can be undercut by reliable cheaper methods. This Council requests the Chief Executive to convey this motion to Ofwat, Thames Water, and the Vale area MPs, and the Water Minister. 


  1. In view of his absence, Councillor Ron Mansfield had authorised Councillor Richard Webber to move the motion of which he had given notice.  Councillor Tony de Vere seconded the motion


Council urges the Cabinet to include appropriate sums for maintenance in its proposed capital budget for 2014/15 and subsequent years to permit the Abbey Meadows Swimming Pool to remain open so that Vale residents can continue enjoy this facility”.


In supporting the motion a number councillors paid tribute to the work of the Friends of Abbey Meadows Outdoor Pool, the importance of the facility in attracting people to the area, the need to protect the capital infrastructure and the relatively low level of support provided by the district council compared to that of the town council.






To urge the Cabinet to include appropriate sums for maintenance in its proposed capital budget for 2014/15 and subsequent years to permit the Abbey Meadows Swimming Pool to remain open so that Vale residents can continue enjoy this facility.


  1. Motion proposed by Councillor Jim Halliday and seconded by Councillor Julie Mayhew-Archer


Council urges the Cabinet to allow any monies unspent (as at 31 March 2014) by the four Area Committees - both for Capital Grants and New Homes Bonus Grants - to be carried forward to the next financial year and added to any new allocations that be awarded to the given Area Committee during the 2014/15 budget round”.



To urge the Cabinet to allow any monies unspent (as at 31 March 2014) by the four Area Committees - both for Capital Grants and New Homes Bonus Grants - to be carried forward to the next financial year and added to any new allocations that be awarded to the given Area Committee during the 2014/15 budget round.


  1. Motion proposed by Councillor Dudley Hoddinott and seconded by Councillor Jenny Hannaby


Council urges the Cabinet to include an appropriate sum in its proposed revenue budget for 2014/15 to allow for the community revenue grants scheme to be re-established in order that community groups and organisations may continue to promote the vitality of the District and the well-being of the community”.


Those councillors supporting the motion expressed the view that the current categorisation of grants was unclear and confusing for applicants. The establishment of a community revenue grants scheme specifically for revenue grants to promote the vitality of an area had clear merit.


Those opposing the motion noted that the council currently operated seven grant schemes for different purposes with clear criteria.


On being put the motion was declared not carried (19 votes for and 26 votes against).