Agenda item

Questions under standing order 12

To receive questions from members of the council under standing order 12.


1.         Question from Councillor Gervase Duffield to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


What effects if any will the sale by Lloyds Bank to Aberdeen Asset Management of parts of their Scottish Widows cluster (ie, the Investment Partnership) have on central Abingdon precinct developments, and will Lloyds discuss with the Council's investment managers any further sales from the cluster which might affect central Abingdon development?


2.         Question from Councillor Andrew Skinner to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Will the Leader agree that to reduce the benefits under the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for some of the most vulnerable people in the Vale in order to save less than £20,000 per annum is something which should be avoided at all costs ?


3.         Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Please can he outline the timetable for improving the road network in the Wantage Grove area, which, as he is aware, is about to see construction of a large number of new houses and also outline how he expects these vital road improvement to be paid for?


4.         Question from Councillor Bob Johnston to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Has the Leader been approached by the Leader of the County Council on the subject of railway electrification, as he seeks an appropriate financial contribution from the Vale to expedite the project in a similar way to that of the East/West Railway?


5.         Question from Councillor Catherine Webber to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Is the Leader aware that the Abingdon Arts Festival will not now be happening next year, or for the foreseeable future, purely as a result of his own policies on revenue grants?


6.         Question from Councillor Debby Hallett to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


In recent months, the major issues affecting this Council have been the proposed move to Crowmarsh, and the future development of Westway, Botley. These issues are ongoing and both have serious implications for the reputation of the Council. The common thread that runs through both these issues, is the feeling that there has been little or inadequate consultation with the public and that their views are being ignored. Please would the Leader comment on this?


7.         Question from Councillor Jim Halliday to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Please could the Leader list a) the sum allocated for the festival grants budget in FY 2012/13 and FY 2013/14, b) list all festival grants actually paid out in FY 2012/13 and to date in FY 2013/14 - giving in each case the sum paid, the name of the Festival and the date the grant was paid ? 


8.         Question from Councillor Pat Lonergan to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Does the Leader share the frustration of Abingdon councillors about the length of time that it is taking  to fill empty units in the Bury Street development and the view that Scottish Widows are being very picky about who they are allowing to rent shops ?

9.         Question from Councillor Richard Webber to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


As the overwhelming majority of questions are being addressed to the Leader, is he aware that the reason for this is that he is perceived to be in charge of  finance, grants, major planning, and property issues amongst other responsibilities and hence all decision-making is directly and solely in his hands?





1.         Question from Councillor Gervase Duffield to the Leader of the council, Councillor Matthew Barber


What effects if any will the sale by Lloyds Bank to Aberdeen Asset Management of parts of their Scottish Widows cluster (ie, the Investment Partnership) have on central Abingdon precinct developments, and will Lloyds discuss with the Council's investment managers any further sales from the cluster which might affect central Abingdon development?


Councillor Matthew Barber responded that there would be no impact on the project.


In response to a supplementary question he confirmed that councillors would be kept informed of any further developments.


2.         Question from Councillor Andrew Skinner to the Leader of the council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Will the Leader agree that to reduce the benefits under the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for some of the most vulnerable people in the Vale in order to save less than £20,000 per annum is something which should be avoided at all costs ?


Councillor Matthew Barber responded that savings had to be made and the scheme was fair.


In response to a supplementary question he stated that detail of the savings to the Vale of renting Abbey House would be included in Cabinet’s budget proposals.


3.         Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to the Leader of the council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Please can he outline the timetable for improving the road network in the Wantage Grove area, which, as he is aware, is about to see construction of a large number of new houses and also outline how he expects these vital road improvement to be paid for?


Councillor Matthew Barber undertook to provide a written response.


4.         Question from Councillor Bob Johnston to the Leader of council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Has the Leader been approached by the Leader of the County Council on the subject of railway electrification, as he seeks an appropriate financial contribution from the Vale to expedite the project in a similar way to that of the East/West Railway?


Councillor Matthew Barber responded that he had not been approached but he had put the issue of bridge works in South Hinksey and Grove on the Oxfordshire leaders’ agenda.


In response to a supplementary question he confirmed that he would be happy to consider helping if approached particularly in respect of a new station at Grove/Wantage.


5.         Question from Councillor Catherine Webber to the Leader of the council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Is the Leader aware that the Abingdon Arts Festival will not now be happening next year, or for the foreseeable future, purely as a result of his own policies on revenue grants?


Councillor Matthew Barber responded that the Abingdon Arts Festival had not applied for a grant although 19 other festivals had.


In response to a supplementary question he confirmed that the Abingdon Arts Festival could still submit an application.


6.         Question from Councillor Debby Hallett to the Leader of the council, Councillor Matthew Barber


In recent months, the major issues affecting this Council have been the proposed move to Crowmarsh, and the future development of Westway, Botley. These issues are ongoing and both have serious implications for the reputation of the Council. The common thread that runs through both these issues, is the feeling that there has been little or inadequate consultation with the public and that their views are being ignored. Please would the Leader comment on this?


Councillor Matthew Barber did not comment and in response to a supplementary question he stated that he did not consider that the council could have improved the consultations.


7.         Question from Councillor Jim Halliday to the Leader of the council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Please could the Leader list a) the sum allocated for the festival grants budget in FY 2012/13 and FY 2013/14, b) list all festival grants actually paid out in FY 2012/13 and to date in FY 2013/14 - giving in each case the sum paid, the name of the Festival and the date the grant was paid ?


Councillor Matthew Barber responded that £5,784 had been provided in 2012/13 and £9,335 in 2013/14. He undertook to provide Councillor Jim Halliday with details of the grants paid in writing.


In response to a supplementary question regarding the rejection of the £4,300 grant application for the Abingdon Arts Festival in 2012/13 he confirmed that the council had a clear policy of awarding a maximum of £1,000, that 19 other arts festivals had received funding and that there was no need to apply an exception to this policy.


8.         Question from Councillor Pat Lonergan to the Leader of the council, Councillor Matthew Barber


Does the Leader share the frustration of Abingdon councillors about the length of time that it is taking to fill empty units in the Bury Street development and the view that Scottish Widows are being very picky about who they are allowing to rent shops ?

Councillor Matthew Barber responded that he did but it was important to attract suitable tenants.


In response to a supplementary question he confirmed that he had not recently met Scottish Widows although senior officers had.  


9.         Question from Councillor Richard Webber to the Leader of the council, Councillor Matthew Barber


As the overwhelming majority of questions are being addressed to the Leader, is he aware that the reason for this is that he is perceived to be in charge of finance, grants, major planning, and property issues amongst other responsibilities and hence all decision-making is directly and solely in his hands?


Councillor Matthew Barber responded that all the questions were put to him to allow this question.


In response to a supplementary question he said he did not agree that the Cabinet was short of talent.



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