Agenda item

Notices of motion under standing order 11

To receive notices of motion under standing order 11.


(1)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Jim Halliday, seconded by Councillor Yvonne Constance:


"Council welcomes the measures that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services has put in place to ensure that where an undertaking has been given at any meeting of Council and its committees to provide a response in writing to a question from a councillor or a member of the public, a record of the written answer is published as soon as it is available and in the same place as the minutes of the meeting." 


(2)               Motion to be proposed by Councillor Sandy Lovatt, seconded by Councillor Charlotte Dickson:


"This Council welcomes the decision in principle of Cabinet to let part of Abbey House to Oxfordshire County Council, and Citizens Advice Bureau.  This move will bring public services closer together in a more convenient location for our residents; will preserve Abingdon as the administrative centre for the Vale; and will save Vale tax payers approximately £200,000 per annum." 


(3)               Motion to be proposed by Councillor Yvonne Constance, seconded by Councillor Simon Howell:


“Council notes the possibility of submitting the following proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act:


‘That the Secretary of State help protect community pubs in England by ensuring that planning permission and community consultation are required before community pubs are allowed to be converted to betting shops, supermarkets and pay-day loan stores or other uses, or are allowed to be demolished.’ 


The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would allow the council to determine if pubs should be demolished or converted into other uses and could save many valued community pubs.

The Council resolves to submit the proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act and to work together with Local Works and the Campaign for Real Ale to gain support for the proposal from other councils in the region and across the country.” 


(4)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Debby Hallett, seconded by Councillor Dudley Hoddinott:

“In view of the universally unpopular proposal for the wholesale redevelopment of the West Way shopping area in Botley, this Council should request the Cabinet to withdraw the option to sell the Vale’s West Way property to the developers, Doric.”




(5)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Tony de Vere, seconder to be confirmed: 


“Council notes the recently issued report “Final report on progress against the Energy Reduction Plan 2008/9 - 2012/13” and that the council’s baseline Co2 emissions in 2007 were 5134 tonnes, and that the emissions in 2012/13 were 4270 tonnes, a reduction of 17 per cent on the baseline. Council is also pleased to note that the 5 year capital budget of £200,000 it allocated for energy saving measures, has been so effective :  In 2012/13 the annual savings on gas, electricity, and diesel exceeded £139,000. Council therefore 1) congratulates all the staff involved in achieving these significant energy savings, 2) urges the Cabinet to prepare another long-term energy saving plan.”


(6)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Jim Halliday, seconder to be confirmed:


“This Council believes that “Shared Services” with South Oxfordshire District Council have offered much needed savings to Vale of White Horse District Council, but acknowledges that such moves have produced anxieties of there being a South Oxfordshire District Council “takeover” of Vale of White Horse District Council. The Council now believes that any moves which further threaten the independence of Vale of White Horse District Council as a separate district council should be treated with extreme caution, and that there should be a very persuasive case for savings before any further moves towards sharing are contemplated. It therefore urges Cabinet to take this into account when making its decisions, and also to fully involve all members of Council prior to making such decisions.”


(7)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Julie Mayhew-Archer, seconder to be confirmed:


“This Council agrees that its car parking fines are too high. It asks Cabinet to implement a 50 per cent cut in penalty charges as soon as possible.”





(1)       Motion proposed by Councillor Jim Halliday and seconded by Councillor Yvonne Constance:


"Council welcomes the measures that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services has put in place to ensure that where an undertaking has been given at any meeting of Council and its committees to provide a response in writing to a question from a councillor or a member of the public, a record of the written answer is published as soon as it is available and in the same place as the minutes of the meeting."




That Council welcomes the measures that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services has put in place to ensure that where an undertaking has been given at any meeting of Council and its committees to provide a response in writing to a question from a councillor or a member of the public, a record of the written answer is published as soon as it is available and in the same place as the minutes of the meeting.


(2)               Motion proposed by Councillor Sandy Lovatt and seconded by Councillor Yvonne Constance:


"This Council welcomes the decision in principle of Cabinet to let part of Abbey House to Oxfordshire County Council, and Citizens Advice Bureau. This move will bring public services closer together in a more convenient location for our residents; will preserve Abingdon as the administrative centre for the Vale; and will save Vale tax payers approximately £200,000 per annum."


A number of councillors did not consider it appropriate for Council to consider this motion on the eve of Scrutiny Committee’s consideration of the call in of Cabinet’s decision. As such they would abstain from any vote.


Those councillors supporting the motion stated the following:

  • Some teams would maintain a significant presence in Abbey House;
  • Vale of White Horse District Council would continue to be based in Abingdon from the public point of view;
  • The sharing of accommodation with Oxfordshire County Council would enable better joint working with the County Council, provide a more convenient service for customers and save public money;
  • The increase in the number of office workers will have a positive impact  on Abingdon.


Those councillors opposing the motion stated the following:

·        Vale of White Horse District Council should remain based in Abbey House, Abingdon;

·        Councillors would have less access to officers based at Crowmarsh Gifford;

·        Lack of involvement in the decision making process with non-Cabinet members.


In accordance with standing order 29(3), at the request of more than a fifth of councillors present, the chairman asked for a recorded vote.  Votes on the amendment were recorded as follows:









John Amys

Jeanette Halliday

Julia Bricknell

Marilyn Badcock

Angela Lawrence

Tony de Vere

Mike Badcock

Jerry Patterson

Debby Hallett

Matthew Barber


Jim Halliday

Eric Batts


Jenny Hannaby

Yvonne Constance


Dudley Hodinott

Roger Cox


Bob Johnston

Charlotte Dickson


Pat Lonergan

St John Dickson


Sue Marchant



Julie Mayhew-Archer

Jason Fiddaman


Elizabeth Miles

Anthony Hayward


Helen Pighills

Simon Howell


Judy Roberts

Bill Jones


Val Shaw



Andrew Skinner

Sandy Lovatt


Catherine Webber

Gill Morgan


Richard Webber

John Morgan


John Woodford

Michael Murray



Fiona Roper



Robert Sharp



Janet Shelley



Alison Thomson



Melinda Tilley



Margaret Turner



Reg Waite



Elaine Ware









The motion was declared carried.




THAT Council welcomes the decision in principle of Cabinet to let part of Abbey House to Oxfordshire County Council, and Citizens Advice Bureau. This move will bring public services closer together in a more convenient location for our residents; will preserve Abingdon as the administrative centre for the Vale; and will save Vale tax payers approximately £200,000 per annum.


(3)               Motion proposed by Councillor Yvonne Constance and seconded by Councillor Simon Howell:


“Council notes the possibility of submitting the following proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act:


‘That the Secretary of State help protect community pubs in England by ensuring that planning permission and community consultation are required before community pubs are allowed to be converted to betting shops, supermarkets and pay-day loan stores or other uses, or are allowed to be demolished.’


The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would allow the council to determine if pubs should be demolished or converted into other uses and could save many valued community pubs.


The Council resolves to submit the proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act and to work together with Local Works and the Campaign for Real Ale to gain support for the proposal from other councils in the region and across the country.”


            In supporting the motion a number of councillors noted the ongoing closure of public houses to the detriment of communities and their social life. In rural areas these establishments provided a focal point for the community and often provided the only available community facility.




That Council notes the possibility of submitting the following proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act:


‘That the Secretary of State help protect community pubs in England by ensuring that planning permission and community consultation are required before community pubs are allowed to be converted to betting shops, supermarkets and pay-day loan stores or other uses, or are allowed to be demolished.’


The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would allow the council to determine if pubs should be demolished or converted into other uses and could save many valued community pubs.


The Council resolves to submit the proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act and to work together with Local Works and the Campaign for Real Ale to gain support for the proposal from other councils in the region and across the country.



(4)       Motion proposed byCouncillor Debby Hallett and seconded by Councillor Dudley Hoddinott:

“In view of the universally unpopular proposal for the wholesale redevelopment of the West Way shopping area in Botley, this Council should request the Cabinet to withdraw the option to sell the Vale’s West Way property to the developers, Doric.”

Those councillors supporting the motion expressed concern that:

·        The proposals for the redevelopment of Botley West Way shopping area were overwhelmingly unpopular;

·        The proposed development was at odds with the scheme the district council had consulted on;

·        Doric had ignored the consultation feedback and had not addressed the public concerns expressed at recent public meetings on the size of the proposed development, car parking and traffic management arrangements, flooding issues and the loss of local shops;

·        The proposed development of a multi-story shopping mall comprising high street chain stores and student accommodation were not appropriate for the area. 

Mathew Barber, Leader of council, whilst acknowledging the concerns of local residents stated that the original plans had evolved and were not called in for consideration by the Scrutiny Committee. In an effort to find a way forward he suggested that Scrutiny Committee consider this matter at a future meeting including the contractual arrangements and suggestions to improve the scheme.

In light of this offer the mover and seconder of the motion, with the agreement of Council, agreed to withdraw the motion.

(5)       Motion proposed by Councillor Tony de Vere and seconded by Councillor Pat Lonergan:


“Council notes the recently issued report “Final report on progress against the Energy Reduction Plan 2008/9 - 2012/13” and that the council’s baseline Co2 emissions in 2007 were 5134 tonnes, and that the emissions in 2012/13 were 4270 tonnes, a reduction of 17 per cent on the baseline. Council is also pleased to note that the 5 year capital budget of £200,000 it allocated for energy saving measures, has been so effective : In 2012/13 the annual savings on gas, electricity, and diesel exceeded £139,000. Council therefore 1) congratulates all the staff involved in achieving these significant energy savings, 2) urges the Cabinet to prepare another long-term energy saving plan.”



That Council notes the recently issued report “Final report on progress against the Energy Reduction Plan 2008/9 - 2012/13” and that the council’s baseline Co2 emissions in 2007 were 5134 tonnes, and that the emissions in 2012/13 were 4270 tonnes, a reduction of 17 per cent on the baseline. Council is also pleased to note that the 5 year capital budget of £200,000 it allocated for energy saving measures, has been so effective : In 2012/13 the annual savings on gas, electricity, and diesel exceeded £139,000. Council therefore 1) congratulates all the staff involved in achieving these significant energy savings, 2) urges the Cabinet to prepare another long-term energy saving plan.


(6)       Motion proposed by Councillor Jim Halliday and seconded by Councillor Melinda Tilley. In seconding the motion Councillor Melinda Tilley sought an alteration to delete “further” in line nine. Councillor Jim Halliday, as mover of the motion and with the consent of council in accordance with standing order 24(4), agreed the alteration.


“This Council believes that “Shared Services” with South Oxfordshire District Council have offered much needed savings to Vale of White Horse District Council, but acknowledges that such moves have produced anxieties of there being a South Oxfordshire District Council “takeover” of Vale of White Horse District Council. The Council now believes that any moves which further threaten the independence of Vale of White Horse District Council as a separate district council should be treated with extreme caution, and that there should be a very persuasive case for savings before any moves towards sharing are contemplated. It therefore urges Cabinet to take this into account when making its decisions, and also to fully involve all members of Council prior to making such decisions.”




That Council believes that “Shared Services” with South Oxfordshire District Council have offered much needed savings to Vale of White Horse District Council, but acknowledges that such moves have produced anxieties of there being a South Oxfordshire District Council “takeover” of Vale of White Horse District Council. The Council now believes that any moves which further threaten the independence of Vale of White Horse District Council as a separate district council should be treated with extreme caution, and that there should be a very persuasive case for savings before any moves towards sharing are contemplated. It therefore urges Cabinet to take this into account when making its decisions, and also to fully involve all members of Council prior to making such decisions.


(7)       Motion proposed by Councillor Julie Mayhew-Archer and seconded by Councillor Richard Webber:


“This Council agrees that its car parking fines are too high. It asks Cabinet to implement a 50 per cent cut in penalty charges as soon as possible.”


In supporting the motion councillors expressed the view that whilst the free parking period encouraged people to visit the town centres the fines only served to discourage confused people from returning, that the level of fines did not fit the crime and that the gap between the cost of parking and fines was too large.


Those opposing the motion stated that the level of fines had not increased since 2009 and that the level of fines should be considered at the same time as a review of car park charges.


On receiving an assurance from Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of council, that Cabinet would consider the issue when setting car park charges the mover and seconder of the motion, with the agreement of Council, withdrew their motion.