Agenda item

Land at South Drive, Harwell. P13/V90129/O

Outline application for demolition of existing 13 dwellings. Erection of up to 120 dwellings with associated infrastructure, access, parking and landscaping.


Recommendation: To authorise the head of planning, in consultation with the committee chairman, vice chairman and the local members, to grant planning permission, subject to:

1.     Completion, within the agreed planning performance agreement period, of a section 106 agreement.

2.     Conditions including, the requirements for receipt of a reserved matters application or a detailed scheme within six months and that scheme to be available for the commencement of development within 12 months from the date of the issue of planning permission to help address the immediate housingland shortfall.


Further details of 1 and 2 above in the officer’s report.



The officer presented the report on an outline application for demolition of existing 13 dwellings and erection of up to 120 dwellings with associated infrastructure. Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which forms part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Updates from the report

Two further letters had been received, referring to the historic merit of the existing buildings, not addressed in the report. The land had been laid out by gardeners from Kew, and No 1, had been the home of Sir John Cockcroft, the first commanding officer of RAF Harwell. However, the officer reported that the site was not subject to a national designation, as an historic site.


Nicky Brock (Kemp and Kemp), the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application.


Councillor Margaret Turner, one of the ward councillors, spoke about the application. The points she raised included the following:

·       No objection to the application in principle but wished to see s106 contributions in line with the letter drawn up by the parish council

·       Concerns about the water supply and waste water and whether it impacts on timescales.

·       Concerns about school capacity in Harwell.


The committee considered this application.

·       Committee asked for an informative reminding the applicant of the need to distribute social housing throughout the site.

·       If granted there would be a subsequent reserved matters application coming back to committee within six months.

·       The density would be 20 units per hectare not 31 as stated in paragraph 2.4.

·       It is not possible to relocate orchids.



RESOLVED (for 12; against 0; abstentions 0)


To authorise the head of planning, in consultation with the committee chairman, vice chairman and the local members, to grant planning permission, subject to:


1.    Completion within the agreed PPA period of a section 106 agreement for on-site affordable housing provision, contributions toward off-site facilities and services including highway works, education improvements, waste management and collection, street names signs, public art, library and museum service, social and health care, fire and rescue, police equipment, local and area hub recreational and community facility improvements; 


2.   The following conditions including, the requirements for receipt of a reserved matters application or a detailed scheme within six months and that scheme to be available for the commencement of development within 12 months from the date of the issue of planning permission to help address the immediate housing land shortfall: 


i.          TL1 - Time limit (12 months).

ii.         MC2 – materials.

iii.       LS1 – landscape.

iv.       LS4 - tree protection details.

v.         RE6 - boundary walls and fences – including walls to open frontages.

vi.       Plot curtilage boundaries.

vii.     Ecology.

viii.    MC24 - drainage requirements.

ix.       Construction traffic management plan.

x.         Travel information packs

xi.       Access visibility.

xii.     Parking provision.

xiii.    Building height parameters.

xiv.    Refuse bin storage.

xv.      Roof top aerials.

xvi.    Maintenance of open space areas.

xvii.  Protect and maintain hedges during development operations.

xviii.Approve drawings.


3.  If the required section 106 agreements are not completed in a timely manner and so planning permission cannot be granted by the determination deadline of 18 June 2013, in accordance with the agreed PPA, the head of planning, in consultation with the chairman and vice-chairman, is authorised to refuse planning permission.



Social housing needs to be properly distributed throughout the site.

Supporting documents: