Agenda item

Land South of Faringdon Road, Southmoor. P12/V1302/0

Outline Application for erection of 50 dwellings, new public open space and new vehicular access.


Recommended: to delegate the decision to grant planning permission to head of planning in consultation with the committee chairman subject to s106 agreements and conditions.



Agenda item 9


The officer introduced his report: he explained that it had come to committee for outline consent. Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.

  • The applicant had indicated that adjacent land would be made available to the south of the site for informal recreational use, as well as the formal open space which formed part of the application site. The applicant had also suggested that they could provide a further recreational area further away from the site as part of s106 discussions, but that this did not form part of the planning application.
  • The planning officer had now received nine letters of support for this application.
  • Appendix 3a of the report was incorrect and should be disregarded.
  • Paragraph 3.10. The Thames Valley Police liaison officer has no objections, subject to an informative to ensure that the new dwellings achieve “secured by design” accreditation.


Councillor Brian Forster, chairman of Kingston Bagpuize Parish Council spoke in objection to the application.


David Hancox and Kevin Hadley spoke in objection to the application.


John Ashton (West Waddy ADP), the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. He stressed that he, and the applicant, wished to work with local villagers to provide leisure facilities.


The committee debated this item; inter alia

  • This is an outline application for 50 houses and it is expected that no more than 50 houses would be built on the site.
  • There was, unfortunately, little evidence of dialogue between the developer and the villagers.


RESOLVED (For 11; Against 1; Abstentions 1)


To authorise the head of planning, in consultation with the committee chairman, vice chairman, ward member and opposition spokesman, to grant planning permission subject to the following:


The prior completion of a section 106 agreement within a deadline of three months to complete for on-site affordable housing provision, as well as contributions toward off-site facilities and services including highway works, education improvements, waste management and collection, street names signs, public art, library and museum service, social and health care, fire and rescue, police equipment, village recreational and community facility improvements, as well as securing access to and the use for informal recreational purposes of the field to the south of the site (edged in blue) 


The following conditions including, the requirements for receipt of a reserved matters application or a detailed scheme within three months and that scheme to be available for implementation within 12 months from the date of the outline permission to help address the immediate housing land shortfall:


1.         TL2 altered outline timing (12 months) reserved matters within 3 month

2.         UNI  plot curtilage boundaries

3.         MC2 materials

4.         UNI landscape

5.         LS4 trees

6.         UNI boundaries

7.         MC24 drainage

8.         UNI plot restriction to southern boundary

9.         UNI ecology

10.      UNI access visibility

11.      UNI parking

12.      UNI construction traffic

13.      UNI travel info packs

14.      UNI refuse bin storage

15.      UNI footpath routes

16.      UNI drainage Thames Water

17.      UNI build height

18.      UNI TW plc

19.      Communal satellite dishes

20.      Stone/brick boundaries

Supporting documents: