Agenda item

ABG/16935/1-D – Construction of 86 dwellings. Former Kingfisher School, Blacknall Road, Abingdon


Further to the report the Committee noted that a model of the proposal was available for inspection at the meeting.  In addition the Environment Agency had withdrawn its holding objection and had now recommended approval subject to conditions.


At this point in the meeting it was proposed by the Chair and




that the meeting of the Committee to adjourn for 10 minutes to allow Members to view the model of the proposal. 


The meeting reconvened at 7.15pm.


Further to the report the Committee noted that a request had been received from the County Council for a contribution of £1,995 towards fire hydrants.  However, Officers were of the view that this request should have been made at the outline stage and therefore the proposal was not supported. 


Mr Hocken was due to make a statement at the meeting objecting to the application but declined to do so.


Mr B Nedelkoff, the applicant’s agent, made a statement in support of the application referring to the significant amount of consultation which had taken place in preparing the scheme.  He indicated that the scheme was of high quality with a sense of place in this important part of Abingdon.  He referred to the opportunity to create a site with permeability and commented on the ability for nearby residents to enjoy the scheme.  Finally he reiterated the time, care and attention which had gone into the design of the proposal and urged the Committee to approve the application.


Members considered the objections listed in the report but agreed that these were insufficient to outweigh the presumption of granting permission.  Members supported the scheme but considered that boundary treatment to public open spaces should be brick walls instead of close boarded fencing.  Furthermore one Member considered that utility boxes should not be located on external walls and the Chair of the Committee undertook to take this view on board when consulted on the application.


Reference was made to the request of the County Council for a contribution towards fire hydrants and it was decided that a letter should be written advising the applicant of the request and suggesting that a payment might be appropriate.  It was noted that the County Council was now taking a more serious stance on financial contributions and it was unlikely that at the outline stage this issue would have been highlighted.


The Committee noted that various amendments to the proposal had been made which now satisfied the consultant architect.


By 17 votes to nil it was




that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or the Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated authority to approve application ABG/16935/1-D subject to conditions including materials, boundary treatments (brick walls instead of close boarded fencing), highway surface treatment, street furniture, landscaping, details of drainage, the design of any electricity sub-stations, the design of cycle sheds and bin stores and parking and a letter to request that the applicant considers making a payment to the County Council towards the provision of fire hydrants.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council