Agenda item

Community Grants

Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to set out the current budget position in respect of Community Grants and to invite Members to consider and determine the grant applications received.

The contact officer for this report is Lorna Edwards, Community Strategy Officer (Tel: 01235 547626), e-mail address




(a)         that Members note the current budget position for the Abingdon Area Committee


(b)         that Members agree to the payment of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) grant to AbingdonTown Council and the Drayton Twinning Society, subject to the required monitoring information having been received


(c)         that Members consider and determine the grant applications, the agenda and the Council priority in respect of the applications listed in the report.




The Committee received and considered report 112/08 – Community Grants and detailed comments were made as set out below.  In considering the application, Members took into account the statements made by members of the public earlier in the meeting.  Those applications were considered first.


One Member commented that in view of the limited finances available consideration of the applications referred to the Committee by the Executive for additional funding should be deferred and this was supported by the Committee.  It was also suggested that only 50% of the Committee’s budget should be awarded at this meeting with each grant application being reduced proportionately so that 50% of the budget would be available for the last meeting of the financial year, in March 2009.  However this was not supported it being considered that each application should be considered on its merits and a grant awarded accordingly.


Abingdon Town Council – Service Level Agreement


Councillors Pat Lonergan, Angela Lawrence, Alison Rooke, Julie Mayhew Archer and Jim Halliday had each declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application and they left the meeting during its consideration.


Councillor Beth Fleming the Vice-Chair took the Chair for this item.


Members supported the grant subject to the appropriate monitoring information being received.  It was suggested that a report back on this to Members of the Committee would be useful.


Drayton Twinning Society – Service Level Agreement


Councillors Richard Webber had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application and he left the meeting during its consideration.


Members supported the grant subject to the appropriate monitoring information being received.


(i)         DAMASCUS Youth Project


Councillors Richard Webber and Julie Mayhew Archer had each declared a personal interest in this application.


One Member referred to the “Chill Out” fund held by the County Council suggesting that this was a project which might receive grant assistance from that fund.  It was commented that the County Council had primary responsibility for youth activities and that funding should be sought from the “Chill Out” fund.


It was commented that the funding was required now for the project and that it would not be possible to defer consideration of the application to the next meeting in March which would be too late.  One Member suggested that there should be evidence of local support for the project and that a provisional grant should be awarded payable if a grant application to the County Council was unsuccessful.

However, other Members considered that an initial grant should be offered with a further amount should a grant request to the County Council be unsuccessful.


On consideration of this application, Members commented that feedback on the “Chill Out” fund would be of interest and use to Members and should be reported in the Members’ Information and Action Sheet.  It was commented that it was hoped that the County Council would show a commitment to youth activities by supporting this and other projects in this area.


One Member commented that DAMASCUS should approach the County Council for funding in the first instance and this Council thereafter in the future.


(ii)        APAGE


Councillors Alison Rooke, Tony de Vere, Jim Halliday and Julie Mayhew Archer had each declared a personal interest in this application.


Some Members expressed support regarding the costs involved considering that the printing costs could be reduced by planning ahead over the next few years.  However, the application was supported it being noted that promoting the Arts festival had an economic effect on Abingdon and the surrounding area drawing visitors in thus assisting in the vitality.


One Member commented that the event was becoming more and more successful and should be encouraged.  It was agreed that APAGE should be supported.


(iii)       Abbey Brass


Councillors Tony de Vere, Julie Mayhew Archer and Jim Halliday had each declared a personal interest in this application.


Members supported the application.  It was commented that the level of grant should be similar to the level given to other bands.  However, other Members considered that the level should be different it being noted that that grant was sought towards musical instruments rather than music, which would be used by young people.


(iv)       Compass Café


Councillor Alison Rooke had declared a personal interest in this application.


Councillors Mary de Vere, Tony de Vere and Beth Fleming had each declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application and they left the meeting during its consideration.


It was reported that funding in the sum of £3,000 had been awarded from All Saints Church. Figures for the balance and expenditure for the year for the Peachcroft Christian Centre were reported as £4,886 and £57,882 respectively.   It was commented that it was not possible to identify specific information for the Compass Café as the accounts submitted had not been separated out.


Members supported the application but considered that funding should first be sought from the County Council’s “Chill Out” fund which is was believed would fund such projects.  It was suggested that if such grant funding was not received from the County Council then this Council should agree a grant.


(v)        Abingdon and District Musical Society


Councillor Julie Mayhew Archer had declared a personal interest in this application.


One Member expressed concern that this application was to support a shortfall in revenue income from concerts and that approval would set a precedent for other similar applications.


In response to a question raised the Officers reported that last year most of the £800 funding offered to cover shortfall had been taken up.


Some Members supported the application commenting that had the applicant sought funding for some item of expenditure such as music rather than towards a loss of income, the application might sound more appealing.  However, it was noted that it was not unusal to underwrite a loss for events.


One Member spoke against the application commenting that there was no evidence of fund raising. 


(vi)       Abingdon Band


Councillors Alison Rooke, Angela Lawrence, Julie Mayhew Archer, Jim Halliday and Pat Lonergan had each declared a personal interest in this application.


            Members supported the application.


(vii)      Abingdon Concert Band


            Members supported the application.


(viii)     Abingdon Town Council – Mini Guide


Councillors Pat Lonergan, Angela Lawrence, Alison Rooke, Julie Mayhew Archer and Jim Halliday had each declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application and they left the meeting during its consideration.


Councillor Beth Fleming the Vice-Chair took the Chair for this item.


One Member noted the limited grant award from the Town Council towards this project but it was reported that the Town Council was currently contributing to a major campaign to revitalise the town centre and as such funds were limited.


Another Member suggested that the scheme did not meet the Council’s grant criteria and that no grant should be offered.  Other Members agreed commenting that the Town Council could either increase its precept to fund such projects in the future, or it could seek contributions from small businesses which would benefit from the publication.


(ix)       The Vale of White Horse Foyer


Councillor Julie Mayhew Archer had declared a personal interest in this application.


Councillors Pat Lonergan and Angela Lawrence had each declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application and they left the meeting during its consideration.


Councillor Beth Fleming the Vice-Chair took the Chair for this item.


In response to a question raised the Officer confirmed that different people to those who had previously taken part would be going on any trip. 

It was considered that this was another application where funding might be available from the County Council’s “Chill Out Fund”.  It was suggested that information on this fund should be sought from the County Council and circulated to all Members of the Council.    The Officers advised that applicants were referred to the Council’s Community Funding Advice Service where it was hoped that this and other funds were raised and discussed.  It was highlighted that the applicant was exploring alternative funding options from the County Council but it was not hopeful that more funding would be forthcoming.


(x)        Appleford Parish Council and Village Hall Committee


Councillor Gervase Duffield had declared a personal interest in this application.


One Member commented that the parish precept was very low and the hire charges of the hall were also very low. It was suggested that the parish precept and the hall hire fees might be increased.   However, it was noted that the Parish Council had funded major refurbishment works which had substantially reduced its reserves.


(xi)       Age Concern


Councillor Jim Halliday had declared a personal interest in this application.


Members supported the application.  It was considered that the remaining budget for the year should be awarded.  This application was therefore considered after the other grant applications.


(xii)      Abingdon on Thames Chamber of Commerce


Councillors Pat Lonergan, Angela Lawrence, Alison Rooke, Julie Mayhew Archer and Jim Halliday had each declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application and they left the meeting during its consideration.


Councillor Beth Fleming the Vice-Chair took the Chair for this item.


Members supported the application but considered that none of any grant awarded should be spent on fireworks.


(xiii)     Owner, 26 Pagisters Road, Abingdon


Some Members spoke against the application considering that its approval could lead to other similar applications which would be hard to refuse.  It was noted that the grant would benefit a private owner rather than a number of individuals.


Other Members supported the application suggesting that a grant would encourage tree maintenance which was to the benefit of the area and the enjoyment of many people.




(a)       that the current budget position for the Abingdon Area Committee be noted;


(b)       that the payment of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) grants to Abingdon Town Council and the Drayton Twinning Society be approved, subject to the required monitoring information having been received; (Abingdon Town Council Grant - proposed by Councillor Tony de Vere, seconded by Councilor Tim Smith and agreed by 6 votes to nil with 5 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of the application and Drayton Twinning Society Grant – proposed by Councillor Tony de Vere, seconded by Councillor Julie Mayhew-Archer and agreed by 10 votes to nil with 1 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of the application);


(c)        that the grant applications received be dealt with as follows: -




Purpose of Grant

Agenda & Priority




DAMASCUS Youth Project


Towards the cost of employing youth workers


Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

£4,000 with up to an additional £2,000 to be awarded should an application to the County Council be unsuccessful


Councillor Pat Lonergan proposed and Councillor Gervase Duffield seconded £4,000 which was agreed by 7 votes to nil with 4 abstentions.


It was then proposed by Councillor Pat Lonergan, seconded by Councillor Julie Mayhew Archer that up to a further £2,000 be awarded should an application to the County Council be unsuccessful and this was agreed by 8 votes to nil with 3 abstentions.



Towards printing and distributing the Arts Festival brochure


Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority 


Councillor Alison Rooke proposed and the Chair seconded £2,250 but on being put to the vote this was lost by 8 votes to 3.


Councillor Tim Smith proposed and Councillor Pat Lonergan seconded £2,550 but on being put to the vote this was lost by 6 votes to 2 with 3 abstentions.


Councillor Julie Mayhew Archer proposed and Councillor Mary de Vere seconded £3,000 and on being put this was agreed by 7 votes to 1 with 3 abstentions.


Abbey Brass

Towards the purchase of learner instruments



Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


Councillor Pat Lonergan proposed and Councillor Tim Smith seconded £150.


By way of an amendment Councillor Beth Fleming proposed and Councillor Mary de Vere seconded £500 but on being put the amendment was lost by 5 votes to 4 with 2 abstentions.


By way of a second amendment Councillor Jim Halliday proposed and Councillor Richard Webber seconded £250 but on being put the amendment was lost by 5 votes to 4 with 2 abstentions.


By way of a third amendment Councillor Angela Lawrence proposed and Councillor Julie Mayhew Archer seconded £300 and on being put the amendment was carried by 8 votes to 2 with 1 abstention. On being put the Substantive Motion was carried by 9 votes to nil with 2 abstentions.


Compass Café

Towards the cost of employing a Youth Pastor


Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority

no grant at this time but that the applicant be requested to seek a grant from the County Council and if such application is unsuccessful a grant of up to £3,000 be offered.

Councillor Alison Rooke proposed and the Chair seconded £1,500 with a further £1,500 to be awarded should a grant request to the County Council be unsuccessful.


By way of an amendment Councillor Pat Lonergan proposed that £5,000 be offered but this was not seconded.


By way of an amendment Councillor Jim Halliday proposed and Councillor Gervase Duffield seconded that no grant be offered at this time and that the applicant be requested to seek a grant from the County Council and if such application is unsuccessful a grant of up to £3,000 be offered. On being put the amendment was carried by 7 votes to 1.




Abingdon & District Musical Society

To cover any losses on a series of concerts


Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


Councillor Pat Lonergan proposed £315 but this was not seconded.


Councillor Alison Rooke proposed and Councillor Julie Mayhew Archer seconded £500.


By way of an amendment, the Chair proposed £150 but this was not seconded.


By way of a further amendment Councillor Beth Fleming proposed and Councillor Gervase Duffield seconded that no grant be offered.  On being put to the vote this amendment was lost by 5 votes to 4 with 2 abstentions.


By way of an amendment Councillor Richard Webber proposed that no grant be offered at this time but that consideration of the application be deferred to the next meeting.  However, this was not seconded.


By way of a further amendment Councillor Jim Halliday proposed and Councillor Pat Lonergan seconded £250.  On being put this amendment was carried by 5 votes to 4 with 2 abstentions.  On being put the Substantive Motion was carried by 8 votes to 1 with 2 abstentions.


Abingdon Band

Towards the purchase of instruments, music stands and banners


Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


Proposed by Councillor Pat Lonergan, seconded by Councillor Tim Smith and agreed by 11 votes to nil.

Abingdon Concert Band

Towards the purchase of new music and display boards


Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


Proposed by Councillor Pat Lonergan, seconded by Jim Halliday and agreed by 6 votes to 3 with 2 abstentions.


Councillor Alison Rooke had proposed and Councillor Gervase Duffield had seconded an amendment of £150 but this was lost by 8 votes to 2 with 1 abstention.


Abingdon Town Council

Towards the cost of updating and reprinting the mini-guide of Abingdon


Economic Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


Proposed by Councillor Mary de Vere, seconded by Councillor Gervase Duffield and agreed by 3 votes to 2 with 1 abstention with 5 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of the item.

The Vale of White Horse Foyer

Towards the cost of an outward bound personal development course


Social Agenda, Access priority


with up to an additional £670 to be awarded should an application to the County Council be unsuccessful


Councillor Tony de Vere proposed and Councillor Alison Rooke seconded £1,670.  By way of an amendment Councillor Tim Smith proposed and Councillor Richard Webber seconded £1,000, with the balance of up to £670 to be awarded should an application to the County Council be unsuccessful.  On being put the amendment was carried by 7 votes to 1 with 1 abstention with 2 of the voting Members not being present.  On being put, the Substantive Motion was carried by 7 votes to 1 with 1 abstention with 2 of the voting Members not being present. 


Appleford Parish Council and Village Hall Committee


Towards the purchase of furniture and curtains

Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority



Proposed by Councillor Gervase Duffield, seconded by Councillor Tim Smith and agreed by 11 votes to nil.

Age Concern, Oxfordshire

Towards the cost of additional community development in Abingdon and surrounding villages


Social Agenda, Access priority


Councillor Pat Lonergan proposed and Councillor Jim Halliday seconded £4,000.  By way of an amendment Councillor Tony de Vere proposed and Councillor Tim Smith seconded £5,817.  On being put the amendment was carried by 11 votes to nil. On being put the Substantive Motion was carried by 11 votes to nil.

Abingdon on Thames Chamber of Commerce

Towards the cost of staging the Abingdon Extravanganza evening


Economic Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


(subject to none of the grant being spent on fireworks)

Proposed by Councillor Mary de Vere, seconded by Councillor Tim Smith and agreed by 4 votes to nil with 2 abstentions with 5 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of the application.


The owner, 26 Pagisters Road, Abingdon

Maintenance of trees which are subjects of a Tree Preservation Order


Environmental Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority



Proposed by Councillor Julie Mayhew Archer, seconded by Pat Lonergan and agreed by 9 votes to 1 with 1 abstention.

Councillor Beth Fleming had proposed and Councillor Richard Webber had seconded an amendment that no grant be offered but this was lost by 7 votes to 3 with 1 abstention.



(d)       that consideration of the following grant applications which have been awarded a grant by the Executive at its meeting held on 17 October 2008 and referred to this Committee for possible additional support be deferred (proposed by Councillor Richard Webber, seconded by Councillor Pat Lonergan and agreed nem com): -


(i)         Oxfordshire Play Association, £5,673, towards core costs of providing support services to play settings in the Vale, Social Agenda, Access priority (£1,500   awarded);


(ii)        South & Vale Carers Centre, £7,938, towards core costs of providing a support service to carers, Social Agenda, Access priority (£3,214   awarded)


(iii)       Assisted Reading for Children in Oxfordshire, £3,000, to impart a love of reading to children in the Vale, Social Agenda, Access priority (£1,000 awarded)


(iv)       Oxfordshire Playbus, £6,000, towards a replacement sensory vehicle for children with special needs, Social Agenda, Access priority (£2,000 awarded.

Supporting documents: