Agenda item

NHI/3368/2 - Proposed conversion and extension of an existing dwelling (C3 use) for use as a dental surgery (D1 use) with associated specialist operating suites and lecture room. 95 West Way, Botley


Councillor Matthew Barber had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he withdrew from the meeting during its consideration.


The Officers reported that since writing the report, two further letters of objection had been received from neighbours which raised concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  In addition it was commented that Members had also received a statement in support of the proposal sent to them separately by the applicant’s  agent.


Eric Batts speaking on behalf of North Hinksey Parish Council made a statement objecting to the application.  Whilst welcoming a dentist surgery in the parish, the Parish Council had concerns regarding the use of a private house in a residential area for business purposes in terms of impact on character of the area; the size of the proposal which was considered over large for the site; the adverse impact on the amenity of neighbours; car parking; the comments of the County Highways Authority regarding car parking being within 200 metres of the site in that this was limited to 3 hours stay; on road parking and the likelihood that customers of the surgery would park in the nearby lay-by and on roads nearby for long periods; traffic movements and overdevelopment.


Mr H Venners, the applicant’s agent made a statement in support of the application referring to the letter sent to Members of the Committee. He commented that less than 10% of the surgery’s existing customers visited by car and staff would use the park and ride; customers would not require 3 hours parking and customers who traveled by car would be encouraged to park at West Way; there would be no adverse impact on neighbours or the character of the area; there was an adequate separation distance of between 8 and 10 metres to the neighbouring property; this area was not a quiet residential area; a dentist surgery was a quiet business use and would not be out of keeping; there was a need for a dentist in this area and there was local support for a local surgery.


One of the local Members expressed concern regarding the lack of parking commenting that just because car parks were nearby it could not be assumed that they were easily and readily available.  He noted that only 10% of existing customers drove to the surgery now, but he was of the view that this was because the existing surgery was in the centre of Oxford.  He considered that customers would travel by car and would park around the area and not necessarily in the car parks.  He commented that this was a residential area, quiet or not, and that in his view the proposal was unacceptable and unneighbourly


One Member commented that dental surgeries were normal in residential areas and he referred to a number across the District.  He noted the comments of the County Highways Authority and stated that there were no grounds to refuse the application because of lack of parking. In terms of design and the criticism that the proposal would be overbearing, it was commented that the applicant had provided drawings of the single story building which showed that it was far enough away from the boundaries with neighbours and therefore there would be no harm.


One Member referred to the Travel Plan commenting that when the surgery was being used for lectures, delegates should be directed to the public car parks nearby and that this should be included.  The Officers undertook to take this comment on board.


By 12 votes to nil with 1 abstention and 1 of the voting Members having left the room and 1 voting Member not yet having arrived at the meeting, it was




that application NHI/3368/2 be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.

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