Agenda item

WTT/20578 - Re-modelling and extension to existing dwelling, De La Rue, Orchard Lane, Boars Hill


Councillor Val Shaw had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 she left the meeting immediately after having made a statement. She was not present during consideration of this application.


The Committee noted that one further letter in support of the scheme had been received.


Mr David Mostyn representing some of the neighbours made a statement objecting to the application.  He raised concerns relating to matters already covered in the report and particularly commented that this was a site on one of the prominent corners of the cross roads in the middle of Boars Hill; there was a Grade II listed building within 100 metres of this site; a fence near to this property had had to be removed and replaced with a stone wall as the fence had been considered harmful to the setting of the listed building; if this was the case for a small fence then the proposal would similarly adversely affect the setting of the listed building and should be refused; this was an exposed and sensitive position; the proposal disregarded Local Plan policy DC1 in terms of requiring high quality, inclusive design, scale, height, mass, materials and an appropriate relationship with adjoining buildings and also contrary to policy DC9 in terms of loss of light, dominance and visual intrusion.  He commented that the proposal was not visually comparable to any other property in the area; the design was out of keeping; and there was an issue with proximity to a party wall and the vulnerability of the neighbouring wall.


Mr Bevan, the applicant made a statement in support of the application commenting that he had purchased the property in October 2007 and that he had taken some time to consider its improvement.  He explained that the property would be slightly lower than the existing house; the size would not be increased; the unattractive dormer element was to be removed; timber cladding was being considered but he would welcome suggestions on appropriate materials; there was a huge variety of styles of houses on Boars Hill and therefore the design would not be out of keeping;  the terrace on the garage had been moved back; the garage would be piled and he was unaware of a dispute concerning the party wall; the distances to neighbouring properties were the same as at present and he could not see that Yew Cottage would be adversely affected.


Councillor Val Shaw made a statement commenting that the prospect of re-modelling this property was welcomed as it was currently unattractive and had been neglected.  However, she considered that the design did not reflect the roof line of the house opposite; the design was very modern which did not reflect any other property locally; the proposal was contrary to Planning Policy G3 in terms of siting, design and scale which she reported were contentious.  She noted that the overall height had not been increased but explained that the height was now to the front of the dwelling which would impact on the street scene, thus failing to preserve the openness of the character and appearance of the area.  She expressed concern regarding parking and the current access commenting that notwithstanding the comments of the Highway Authority, the visibility at the access was restricted and was dangerous.  She considered that the access should be re-sited.


Members spoke in support of the application considering that the design was excellent and of high quality and would be an improvement to the area.  It was noted that the County Engineer had no objection to the proposal and that concern regarding the party wall was a private matter.


In response to a comment made regarding the access, the Officers explained that this was an application to replace an existing dwelling where the access already existed and an improvement could not be required as part of the application.


By 14 votes to nil, with 1 of the voting Members not being present it was




that application WTT/20578 be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.

Supporting documents: