Agenda and minutes

The Future Oxfordshire Partnership Scrutiny Panel - Monday, 17 January 2022 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual meeting viewable by weblink

Contact: Kevin Jacob, Future Oxfordshire Partnership Democratic Services Officer  Email:

Link: link to watch the meeting

No. Item


Apologies for absence, substitutes; declarations of interest, Chair's announcements


Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillor Andy Cooke, Vale of White Horse District Council, (substituted by Councillor Andy Foulsham), Councillor Derek Cotterill, West Oxfordshire District Council and Councillor Liam Walker, Oxfordshire County Council.


There were no declarations of interest. The Chair informed the Panel that he had invited Councillor Emily Smith, Chair of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership’s Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Group, to attend the meeting as they were considering several items linked to the Plan.


It was noted that the meeting was being livestreamed and that a recording of the meeting could be found by clicking here.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 381 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2021.


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 23 November 2021 were accepted as an accurate record of the meeting subject to the correction of a number of minor typographical errors.


Public participation

Members of the public may submit an address or question in writing to the Scrutiny Panel, where full notice of the question or address is given to the secretariat no later than 17:00 on Tuesday 11 January 2022.  Questions and addresses submitted should be no longer than one side of A4 paper in Arial 12 font. The address or question will be circulated to the Panel and public speakers will be invited to speak at the virtual meeting. Written submissions may also be read out by the Chair or Democratic Services Officer where requested or if the person making the request for public speaking is not able to attend the meeting. A response may be given at the meeting or a written answer supplied. Questions and notice of addresses must be submitted to


Note: This meeting may be recorded for live broadcast via the Future Oxfordshire Partnership’s YouTube Channel - at the start of the meeting the Chair will confirm the meeting is being filmed. By registering to speak you are consenting to being recorded and to the use of those video and audio recordings for webcasting.


Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Panel received one representation and one question from two public speakers.


George Curtis on behalf of the Bioabundance Community Interest Company – and as an Oxfordshire resident – expressed the view that the process towards the completion of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 should be revised to await the completion of the Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Route Map and Action Plan. He commented that the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 should also incorporate HM Government’s recently announced sustainability policies. In addition, he highlighted that, to date, the Plan had failed to take into account residents’ realisation that any proposals for growth should be consistent with both the protection of the environment and the achievement of zero carbon by 2050.  


Mr Curtis also stressed that the majority of new dwellings in Oxfordshire should be affordable and that the associated infrastructure should be in place prior to their occupation. In his opinion, the Housing and Growth Deal was out of date and, therefore, needed to be revisited/renegotiated to ensure that it had an explicitly stated environmental focus. Furthermore, in light of the increasing frequency of severe weather events, adequate contingency planning and infrastructure provision needed to put in place.


In response, the Chair invited comments from the Panel. Members expressed support for the need for contingency planning to be undertaken to mitigate the negative impacts of extreme weather events. It was suggested that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage should be taken into consideration within the Oxfordshire Plan 2050. It was agreed that a recommendation should be made to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership in this regard.


While the Panel also expressed sympathy with many of the other points raised by Mr Curtis, they did not feel that it was either reasonable or practical to delay work on the Oxfordshire Plan 2050. Members, nevertheless, argued that local net zero carbon ambitions should be factored firmly and prominently into its next draft – they would, therefore, recommend this to the Partnership. 


Suzanne McIvor from Need Not Greed Oxfordshire (NNGO) added to her written questions. She referred to a letter sent by NNGO on 13 December 2021 to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership on several issues relating to the Oxfordshire Plan 2050. In particular, NNGO had sought clarity on how the number of proposed homes to be included within the Plan would be decided. Despite receiving a written response from the Partnership, the process by which housing numbers would be determined remained unclear.


In addition, there remained ambiguity about when any decision on housing numbers would be taken. Ms McIvor, therefore, asked whether a formal decision would be taken by the individual council cabinets in March 2022? If so, would they also be considering whether to review the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment (OGNA) at the same time?  


NNGO’s understanding was that any decision on a review of OGNA would be taken after the results of the Regulation 18 consultation had been evaluated (and that any reassessment of the OGNA  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Oxfordshire Connect Rail Programme pdf icon PDF 773 KB

To consider an update for Future Oxfordshire Partnership on progress with the Oxfordshire Connect Rail Programme.


The Panel received a presentation from Claire Mahoney, Industry Programme Director, Greater Oxfordshire Area, Network Rail. This set out an update on the Oxfordshire Connect rail programme and included references to East West Rail and the reopening of the Cowley branch line for passenger traffic. John Disley, Infrastructure Strategy & Policy Manager at Oxfordshire County Council, highlighted the importance that was being given to the future connectivity of the Cowley branch line project and how Oxford Housing and Growth Deal funding was helping to support it.


Members welcomed the presentation and the work being undertaken to seek to improve rail infrastructure and services within the county. In discussion, reference was made of the need to integrate stations on the Cowley branch line with local bus routes and cycling infrastructure. The Panel felt that all of Oxfordshire’s councils ought to take an active role in the East West Mainline Partnership – they also argued that the Future Oxfordshire Partnership should continue to lobby HM Government for the electrification of the East West Rail Line. In addition, the importance of good communications with the public, especially as the Connect programme moved from planning to delivery, was raised by members. 


RESOLVED: That the Future Oxfordshire Scrutiny Panel recommends that the Future Oxfordshire Partnership:


1.     Encourage its constituent councils to engage closely with the East West Mainline Partnership.


2.     Continue to lobby HM Government for the electrification of the East West Rail line.


Future Oxfordshire Partnership response to Scrutiny Panel recommendations pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To consider the Future Oxfordshire Partnership’s response to the recommendations from the Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 23 November 2021.


The Chair summarised the responses of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership to the recommendations made at its November meeting.


He highlighted that in relation to recommendation 6.a, and the tension between the maintenance of cycleways and flora and fauna, it was accepted that appropriate safety work, such as the removal of fallen trees, would be necessary.


Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxIS)- Stage 1 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

To consider a report to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership setting out the outcomes of the Stage 1 report for the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy and confirm scope of Stage 2.


Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report – and supporting appendices – summarising the completed first stage of the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxIS).


James Gagg, Principal Infrastructure Planner, Oxfordshire County Council, and Paul Staines, Interim Head of Programme, in presenting highlighted that at the core of the strategy was an appraisal framework for infrastructure based upon a scoring assessment linked to the five OxIS themes. The assessment process undertaken as part of the update differed from that undertaken as part of the development of the previous version of the OxIS in 2018. The current multi-criteria process disaggregated the prioritisation that arose from the consideration of the OxIS themes from scoring linked to planned growth (although this remained an important consideration). This different approach allowed for the process to be more holistic and sophisticated.


It was highlighted to members that the current phase of the OxIS was, in effect, a rescoring of previously submitted schemes which had already been determined necessary to support planned growth within local plans. It was not an assessment of a new suite of suggested infrastructure. If there was, however, the ambition to examine and prioritise different kinds of infrastructure then that could potentially be considered within later stages of the OxIS.


The issue of electricity infrastructure within the county, as mapped within the OxIS full technical report was raised. It was felt that this had omitted showing provision with the Banbury area. In response, officers stated that this would be corrected.


The Panel welcomed the update to the first stage of OxIS. They did, however, despite the clarifications given by officers around the multi-criteria process, remain concerned it was not compatible enough with the goal of achieving net zero. They also considered it important to safeguard against the development of new gas infrastructure.


Members suggested that there was an over-prioritisation within the OxIS to supporting economic growth. They felt that it was important to consider this issue in a more holistic manner, which placed a much greater emphasis on specifically supporting sustainable, green growth. Support was also expressed for a place shaping approach that prioritised the provision of low emissions infrastructure as part of the wider Active Travel programme. Similarly, it was felt important to support infrastructure that increased access to outdoor green space. 


RESOLVED: That the Future Oxfordshire Scrutiny Panel recommends that the Future Oxfordshire Partnership:


1.     Ensure that the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy safeguards against the development of any new gas network infrastructure.


2.     Ensure that the framing and terminology of growth within the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy clarifies that economic growth should not be at the expense of environmental quality and improvement. The scoring criteria may need to be adjusted to reflect:


a.     A holistic consideration of the consequences of growth which priorities green growth.

b.     The crossing cutting nature of green infrastructure themes and priorities.


Delivering a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Route Map and Action Plan Proposal pdf icon PDF 316 KB

To consider a report to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership setting out  proposals from the Environment Advisory Group concerning the next steps that can be taken following the recently published “Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Report.”


The Panel considered a report setting out proposals to scope out the work required to develop a multi-stakeholder route map and implementation plan to deliver the outcomes of the Pathways to Zero Carbon Oxfordshire (PaZCO) report.


Members of the Panel enthusiastically backed further work being undertaken to develop the proposals and were supportive of councils contributing financially to help fund this. In addition, the Chair endorsed the objective – articulated in the report – of ensuring that Oxfordshire was well-positioned to lobby HM Government regarding investment and policy in order to accelerate decarbonisation.  


The Panel also highlighted the need to develop a communications campaign to encourage behavioural change in society. It was noted that work in this area was to be considered by the Environment Advisory Group.


RESOLVED: That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership Scrutiny Panel recommends that the Future Oxfordshire Partnership:


1.     Support the approach outlined in paragraph seven of the Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Route Map report, ensuring that Oxfordshire is well positioned to make any ‘asks’ of HM Government to enable local delivery against the route map. 


2.     Note the Scrutiny Panel’s support for local authorities in funding the next steps of the PaZCO work.


Feedback from Joint meeting with the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To consider a report to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership setting out feedback and any actions arising from a joint meeting between the Future Oxfordshire Partnership and the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board.



The Scrutiny Panel considered a report that summarised the discussion and feedback gathered from the recent joint workshop held between the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board and the Future Oxfordshire Partnership. Stefan Robinson, Future Oxfordshire Partnership Manager, commented that the event demonstrated how the Partnership was engaging with other stakeholders. Further joint workshops were being planned, and the feedback from these would also be presented to Panel.


RESOLVED: That the Panel noted the report.


Housing and Growth Deal Reports


Infrastructure Advisory Group update

To receive an update from the Infrastructure Advisory Group held on 12 January 2022.



The Scrutiny Panel noted that the substantive matters in this item were discussed earlier in the agenda.


Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Group update pdf icon PDF 287 KB

To receive the summary notes from the meeting of the Oxfordshire Plan Advisory Group 2050 held on 18 November 2021.


The Scrutiny Panel considered the notes of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Group held on 18 November 2021.


In discussion, members raised the issue of the continued growth of the world’s population and the impacts that this would/could have on climate change and international relations. The need for the UK to develop its own domestic food supplies was also highlighted (including the potential of hydroponic food production). 


At the Chair’s invitation, Councillor Smith responded that the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Group was not currently considering this issue. She, nevertheless, stated that future food security was a matter that would have to be considered at both a county and national level – especially in terms of the balance of land use. Consideration of this issue could also feed into the spatial and local plan process. 


RESOLVED: That the Panel noted the report.


Environment Advisory Group update pdf icon PDF 275 KB

To receive the summary notes of the meeting of the Environment Advisory Group held on 26 November 2021.


The Scrutiny Panel noted that the substantive matters in this item were discussed earlier in the agenda.


Partnerships network pdf icon PDF 215 KB

To consider a report to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership setting out an update on partnership activities linked to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership, with an illustration of how they are related.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report which provided an update on activities linked to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership. A diagram illustrating partnership links was attached.


RESOLVED: The Panel noted the report.


Oxford to Cambridge Arc Update

To receive any relevant update from the Director of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership concerning developments within the Oxford to Cambridge Arc.


Andrew Down, Future Oxfordshire Partnership Director, provided a verbal report on the Oxford to Cambridge Arc. The Panel was informed that there had been no significant recent developments and, therefore, clarity on HM Government’s policy agenda was still awaited. The expectation was for the Levelling Up White Paper to be published in either January or February. It was anticipated that further announcements relating to the Arc Spatial Framework would follow afterwards. All the indications, however, suggested that HM Government still held the Arc within its considerations.


RESOLVED: The Panel noted the report.


Work programme for the Scrutiny Panel and action log - January 2022 pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To discuss the draft work programme for the Panel and status of actions from the previous meeting.


Additional documents:


Kevin Jacob, Future Oxfordshire Partnership Democratic Services Officers, referred the Panel to the work programme as set out in the agenda. He also highlighted the attached responses to questions asked at the Panel’s previous meeting in relation to the delivery of affordable housing through the Housing and Growth Deal. 


RESOLVED: The Panel noted the report. 


Dates of next meetings

The dates of future Scrutiny Panel meetings are below. Please refer to for the most up to date information on times and locations.


·           Tuesday 15 March 2022

·           Tuesday 31 May 2022(now 7 June 2022)

·           Tuesday 19 July 2022


Proposed meeting dates for September 2022 to July 2023.


·           Tuesday 20 September 2022

·           Tuesday 22 November 2022

·           Wednesday 18 January 2023

·           Monday 13 March 2023

·           Tuesday 6 June 2023

·           Tuesday 18 July 2023


Recommendation: That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership Scrutiny Panel note the dates of proposed meetings September 2022 to July 2023.








The dates of future meetings up to and including July 2023 were noted.


Vale of White Horse District Council