Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Friday, 15 April 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Meeting Room 1, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer. Tel. (01235) 540306 Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence. 




Minutes pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 28 January and 5 February 2016 (previously published). 

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on 28 January, including its appendix, and 5 February 2016 as correct records and agree that the chairman signs them as such. 


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.  




Urgent business and chairman's announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the chairman determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the chairman.




Statements, petitions, and questions relating to matters affecting the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Any statements, petitions, and questions from the public under standing order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting.


Naomi Richardson, an Abingdon resident, had submitted questions to Cabinet regarding the Abbey Meadows’ improvements in Abingdon.  In her absence, these were put to the meeting:


“1.        How will the pool be a viable business if it has nice changing rooms, but if the actual swimming pool is cold, has a leaky liner, has an outdated and expensive heating system, many broken surfaces leading to hazards and is currently unsuitable for use by small children?  In other words, what is the business plan for the investment as it looks like a waste of money to fix changing rooms and not the actual pool?  How much ROI will changing room enhancements have if there are no pool enhancements?


2.         How does a tunnel enhance the entrance to Abbey Meadows when these usually become covered in graffiti, smell of wee and are a trap for litter?


3.         Why has the 10+ play area been crammed into the crazy golf area right next to the play area for little kids (this is a problem with larger kids running around the toddlers), when there is a whole field of pitch and putt in which a fantastic adventure playground could be sited? NB:  Kilkenny country park in Carterton is the best park in the entire county and cost £192k and there is more than enough room for something at least as good in Abbey Meadows. Many people I know drive all the way over to Carterton regularly to access this park.  If you really want to enhance Abbey Meadows, this is the way to go.


4.         Why has a multi-sports area been proposed when this is inappropriate for a busy playground? Small groups of kids ‘claim’ the area for their use and keep other kids out; I’ve seen this in the Southern park and Peachcroft; this does not enhance the atmosphere of community, but causes conflict and stress and a gang mentality.


5.         Can the council ensure that new seating does not impede line of sight for the area around the splash park to the splashers as this would make it even more difficult to keep tabs on kids?” 



The leader of the council reported that the Cabinet member responsible for property would provide a written response to these questions and asked that the replies be appended to these minutes. 


Corporate plan review pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider the head of corporate strategy’s report. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the head of corporate strategy’s report, which proposed a new corporate plan to cover the period 2016 to 2020.  This identified the council’s strategic objectives and priorities, and would help guide decisions on the allocation of resources.  The corporate plan, if adopted by Council, would replace the priorities set out in the corporate plan that ended in 2016. 


The Cabinet member responsible for the corporate plan reported that he had attended the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 14 April, which suggested several amendments and he agreed to take these into consideration before a final version was submitted to Council on 11 May.  The changes included:

·         Several typographical amendments

·         In the section titled ‘housing and infrastructure’ amend the sixth bullet point to read ‘work with developers and other partners to develop a protocol that will ensure high quality, sympathetic designs across all different areas of the district’

·         In the section on tackling infrastructure challenges, add a reference to the Oxford and Abingdon flood alleviation scheme

·         In the section on tackling infrastructure challenges, add a reference to health, education and other infrastructure

·         In the section titled ‘sustainable communities and wellbeing’ amend the fourth bullet point to read ‘continuous improvement programmes to allow better access to our leisure centres, schemes and facilities’

·         In the section titled ‘sustainable communities and wellbeing’ amend the ninth bullet point to read ‘carrying out district-wide deep cleans of streets, pavements, public footpaths and to remove graffiti’

·         Add a bullet point in the same section to deliver the council’s community safety partnership objectives as set out in the partnership’s plan

·         In the section titled ‘building an even stronger economy’, amend the eighth bullet point to read ‘working with developers to introduce local apprenticeship and local workforce schemes that benefit all residents’

·         In the section titled ‘running an efficient council’, amend the first bullet point to read ‘keeping district council tax low’

·         In the section titled ‘running an efficient council’, amend the second bullet point to read ‘continuing to work in partnership with South Oxfordshire District Council and others to develop new ideas for improving service delivery, including considering the option for a unitary council covering southern Oxfordshire’

·         Amend the last bullet point in the draft corporate plan to read ‘seek to improve access to major new developments and town centres for people with disabilities, carers and older people’


RECOMMENDED: to Council to adopt the Corporate Plan 2016 – 2020, subject to changes to be agreed with the Cabinet member responsible for the corporate plan and the Cabinet member for community safety. 

Exempt information under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972



Vale of White Horse District Council