Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Ridgeway, The Beacon, Portway, Wantage, OX12 9BY

Contact: Steven Corrigan, Democratic Services Manager 01491 823049 Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of councillors Yvonne Constance, Charlotte Dickson, St John Dickson, Stuart Davenport, Gervase Duffield and Mike Murray.


Honorary Freedom of the district

At the Council meeting held in December 2015 Council resolved to request officers to convene a special Council meeting no later than the date of the annual Council meeting in May 2016 in order to grant the freedom of the Vale of White Horse district to 3 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps, 4 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps and The Rifles in recognition of their contribution to the service of the country and the residents of the Vale.


The power to award the Honorary Freedom of the district is contained in Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972. A district council, may, by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the voting members present at a special meeting of the Council, award the Honorary Freedom of the district on organisations that, in the opinion of the Council, have rendered eminent service to the district.


A.   Councillor Mike Badcock will move and Councillor Emily Smith will second the following motion at the Council meeting:

That in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 the Council awards 3 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community.

B.   Councillor Reg Waite will move and Councillor Ben Mabbett will second the following motion at the Council meeting:

That in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 the Council awards 4 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community.

C.   Councillor Bob Johnston will move and Councillor Alice Badcock will second the following motion at the Council meeting:

That in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 the Council awards The Rifles the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community.



At the Council meeting held in December 2015 Council resolved to request officers to convene a special Council meeting no later than the date of the annual Council meeting in May 2016 in order to grant the freedom of the Vale of White Horse district to 3 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps, 4 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps and The Rifles in recognition of their contribution to the service of the country and the residents of the Vale. Council considered the following motions.


A.   Councillor Mike Badcock moved and Councillor Emily Smith seconded the following motion:


That in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 the Council awards 3 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community.

RESOLVED (unanimously)

To  award 3 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse,in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community. 


Councillor Mike Badcock, Chairman of the council, presented Lieutenant Colonel Corey Smalley, Commanding Officer of 3 Regiment Royal Logistic Corpswith an honorary freedom scroll. 


Lieutenant Colonel Corey Smalley responded by thanking Council for the award. 


B.   Councillor Reg Waite moved and Councillor Ben Mabbett seconded the following motion:


That in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 the Council awards 4 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community.

RESOLVED (unanimously)

To  award 4 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse,in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community. 


Councillor Mike Badcock, Chairman of the council, presented Major Helen Cook, Acting Commanding Officer of 4 Regiment Royal Logistic Corpswith an honorary freedom scroll. 


Major Helen Cook responded by thanking Council for the award.


C.   Councillor Bob Johnston moved and Councillor Alice Badcock seconded the following motion:


That in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 the Council awards The Rifles the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community.

RESOLVED (unanimously)

To  award The Rifles the Honorary Freedom of the Vale of White Horse,in accordance with the provisions of section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, in recognition of their service to the United Kingdom and contribution to the Vale community. 


Councillor Mike Badcock, Chairman of the council, presented Lieutenant Colonel Graham Cox, Commanding Officer of The Rifleswith an honorary freedom scroll. 


Lieutenant Colonel Graham Cox responded by thanking Council for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59.


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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE