Issue - meetings

Virements and Permanent Budget Adjustments

Meeting: 07/12/2007 - Executive (Item 88)

88 Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Members are requested to consider any significant budget variances and any requests for virement or permanent budget adjustment.


(Time: 2.53pm to 2.55pm)


The Executive received and approved requests for four virements totalling £53,910 and approved requests for permanent budget adjustments totalling £20,840,540.  It was noted that although this figure was large, there was a double-entry reverse amount elsewhere in the Council’s budgets. 


Members noted that ten supplementary estimates had been approved by the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer under delegated authority totaling £137,010.  In answer to a question from the Chair, it was reported that these issues should not be repeated as improvements were being made to the accountancy service. 




that the virements and permanent budget adjustments set out in the agenda report be approved.