Issue - meetings

Notices of Motion Under Standing Order No.11

Meeting: 12/10/2022 - Council (Item 38)

Motions on notice

To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Council procedure rule 39. 


Motion 1. Delayed Waste Services Guidance


Motion to be proposed by Councillor Sally Povolotsky, seconder to be notified


Council notes that:

1.      Under the Environment Bill, there are due to be significant changes in waste and recycling policy, as well as the introduction of a deposit return scheme.

2.      It is expected that DEFRA will require the majority of the planned reforms to come into effect from 2025, but the guidance councils need to put this in place has not yet been issued.

3.      Our current waste contract runs until 2024. This council, like many others, are unable to commission or plan new waste services in line with the Environment Bill without detailed information about what is expected and how it will be funded.

4.      The Local Government Association wrote to the previous environment minister, highlighting growing disquiet within the sector because of the lack of guidance.

5.      The Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC) concluded that continuing delays and uncertainty means that investment is not being “unlocked” and local decisions are being stalled.


Therefore, Council resolves to

6.      Support the aims in the Environment Bill to reduce waste and encourage reuse as well as recycling.

7.      Ask the leader to write to the new environment minister, copied to our two local MPs, to:

a.      ask for the guidance we need to plan our waste services to be issued urgently.

b.      express this council’s concern about the risk the current delay creates to local household waste services and our impeccable record as one of the UK’s top district councils for waste recycling.

c.       back the request made by LARAC that the industry needs at least a year’s advance warning to budget for operational changes, and up to five years to deliver infrastructure changes.


Motion 2. Support for Struggling Local Businesses


Motion to be proposed by Councillor Hayleigh Gascoigne, Seconded by Councillor Neil Fawcett


We are living through a Cost of Living crisis, which is affecting individuals, families and businesses in the Vale and across the UK. This is being driven by food price inflation, up a record 13.1%* and energy price inflation. Small businesses have been particularly affected by rising energy, affecting their viability.

Data published by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) shows that nearly 53% of small companies expect to stagnate, downsize or fold in the next year. Many were taken to the brink of collapse during the pandemic and desperately need a period of stability and prosperity to recover. Businesses such as restaurants and pubs, which experienced greater challenges during the pandemic, now face even greater problems.

Even with the Government price cap support, energy prices will be double what they were last year for domestic users and for businesses, the cap only lasts for six months. The capped electricity costs 30% higher than 2021 for small businesses, and gas prices are 147% higher.

People will have less disposable income to support our local businesses  ...  view the full agenda text for item 38


Motion 1. Delayed Waste Services Guidance




That Council notes that:

  1. Under the Environment Bill, there are due to be significant changes in waste and recycling policy, as well as the introduction of a deposit return scheme.
  2. It is expected that DEFRA will require the majority of the planned reforms to come into effect from 2025, but the guidance councils need to put this in place has not yet been issued.
  3. Our current waste contract runs until 2024. This council, like many others, are unable to commission or plan new waste services in line with the Environment Bill without detailed information about what is expected and how it will be funded.
  4. The Local Government Association wrote to the previous environment minister, highlighting growing disquiet within the sector because of the lack of guidance.
  5. The Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC) concluded that continuing delays and uncertainty means that investment is not being “unlocked” and local decisions are being stalled.


Therefore, Council resolves to

  1. Support the aims in the Environment Bill to reduce waste and encourage reuse as well as recycling.
  2. Ask the leader to write to the new environment minister, copied to our two local MPs, to:
  1. ask for the guidance we need to plan our waste services to be issued urgently.
  2. express this council’s concern about the risk the current delay creates to local household waste services and our impeccable record as one of the UK’s top district councils for waste recycling.
  3. back the request made by LARAC that the industry needs at least a year’s advance warning to budget for operational changes, and up to five years to deliver infrastructure changes.



Motion 2. Support for Struggling Local Businesses




That we are living through a Cost of Living crisis, which is affecting individuals, families and businesses in the Vale and across the UK. This is being driven by food price inflation, up a record 13.1%* and energy price inflation. Small businesses have been particularly affected by rising energy, affecting their viability.

Data published by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) shows that nearly 53% of small companies expect to stagnate, downsize or fold in the next year. Many were taken to the brink of collapse during the pandemic and desperately need a period of stability and prosperity to recover. Businesses such as restaurants and pubs, which experienced greater challenges during the pandemic, now face even greater problems.

Even with the Government price cap support, energy prices will be double what they were last year for domestic users and for businesses, the cap only lasts for six months. The capped electricity costs 30% higher than 2021 for small businesses, and gas prices are 147% higher.

People will have less disposable income to support our local businesses during this crisis and the many businesses that were taken near to collapse during the pandemic desperately need a period of stability and prosperity to flourish. The short-term energy price cap will not provide this.

During the covid-19 pandemic, this council processed and  ...  view the full decision text for item 38


Council considered the motions set out in the agenda.


Motion 1. Delayed Waste Services Guidance


Councillor Sally Povolotsky moved, and Councillor Bob Johnston seconded the motion as set out in the agenda at agenda item 12.


After debate and on being put to the vote the motion was agreed.




That Council notes that:

  1. Under the Environment Bill, there are due to be significant changes in waste and recycling policy, as well as the introduction of a deposit return scheme.
  2. It is expected that DEFRA will require the majority of the planned reforms to come into effect from 2025, but the guidance councils need to put this in place has not yet been issued.
  3. Our current waste contract runs until 2024. This council, like many others, are unable to commission or plan new waste services in line with the Environment Bill without detailed information about what is expected and how it will be funded.
  4. The Local Government Association wrote to the previous environment minister, highlighting growing disquiet within the sector because of the lack of guidance.
  5. The Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC) concluded that continuing delays and uncertainty means that investment is not being “unlocked” and local decisions are being stalled.


Therefore, Council resolves to

  1. Support the aims in the Environment Bill to reduce waste and encourage reuse as well as recycling.
  2. Ask the leader to write to the new environment minister, copied to our two local MPs, to:
  1. ask for the guidance we need to plan our waste services to be issued urgently.
  2. express this council’s concern about the risk the current delay creates to local household waste services and our impeccable record as one of the UK’s top district councils for waste recycling.
  3. back the request made by LARAC that the industry needs at least a year’s advance warning to budget for operational changes, and up to five years to deliver infrastructure changes.


Motion 2. Support for Struggling Local Businesses


Councillor Hayleigh Gascoigne moved, and Councillor Neil Fawcett seconded the motion as set out in the agenda at agenda item 12


After debate and on being put to the vote the motion was agreed.



That we are living through a Cost of Living crisis, which is affecting individuals, families and businesses in the Vale and across the UK. This is being driven by food price inflation, up a record 13.1%* and energy price inflation. Small businesses have been particularly affected by rising energy, affecting their viability.

Data published by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) shows that nearly 53% of small companies expect to stagnate, downsize or fold in the next year. Many were taken to the brink of collapse during the pandemic and desperately need a period of stability and prosperity to recover. Businesses such as restaurants and pubs, which experienced greater challenges during the pandemic, now face even greater problems.

Even with the Government price cap support, energy prices will be double what they were last year for domestic users and for businesses, the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38