Issue - meetings

Waste collection policy - to review the policy

Meeting: 30/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Waste policy review pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To consider the report of the waste and parks services manager. 

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Cabinet considered the chief executive’s report that sought approval of a revised waste collection policy.  The changes included the new clear sacks policy, some legislative changes, and a proposal for households of five or more people to be able to apply for an additional food caddy to encourage more recycling of food waste. 


Councillor Debby Hallett asked why the revised policy had not been considered by Scrutiny Committee, asked whether the proposed additional food waste caddy was a change in policy, and asked whether the council could waive collection charges for schools? 


In response, Cabinet agreed that the revised policy could have benefitted from Scrutiny Committee’s input.  The additional food waste caddy for larger households was a new element to the policy and would increase the council’s recycling rates and reduce the amount of waste sent for incineration.  Finally, Cabinet noted the policy allowed the council to charge new schools for recycling and waste collection. 


Cabinet also considered an objection from a local resident that the policy did not allow garden waste to be placed in grey bins.  Cabinet noted that there was no planned change to the policy in this respect; garden waste had never been accepted in grey bins.  Cabinet was content with the existing policy.  


Cabinet supported the revised policy and supported the proposal to charge for delivery of additional food waste caddies for households of five or more people.  Cabinet asked officers to inform residents of the policy changes. 


RESOLVED: to approve the new waste collection policy attached at appendix one to the chief executive’s report, subject to amending paragraph 33 of the policy to read:

The council’s preference is for residents to put their recycling loose into the green bin.  If sacks are used, they must be clear so the crew can confirm that the correct items have been put in the bin.  If the green bin contains recycling in anything other than in clear sacks or looseit will not be emptied.  Our contractor will leave a note explaining the reason for non-collection.” 


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