To receive an update on devolution.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered the report of the chief executive, updating on the development of a devolution deal following an independent study into the options for local authority reform in Oxfordshire, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Cabinet noted that the government was looking for consensus between councils on the future of local government in Oxfordshire. Although consensus had not been reached, leaders of the districts, city, and county councils had agreed to focus on identifying areas for collaborative working and the reshaping of a devolution deal that did not incorporate proposals for the reform of local government within Oxfordshire. A working group of the leaders and chief executives was looking at practical steps that could be taken, including discussions on a combined authority with Thames Valley Police and the Clinical Commissioning Group.
(a) receive the independent study of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) into options for local government reform in Oxfordshire, including the proposition of the district and city council leaders’ in respect of their preferred model arising from that study; and
(b) note that following discussions with the Department of Communities and Local Government, the leaders of the districts, city and county councils have agreed to focus on identifying areas for collaborative working and the reshaping of a devolution deal that does not incorporate proposals for the reform of local government within Oxfordshire.
01235 422520
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE