Issue - meetings

Longworth Neighbourhood Plan - to consider the referendum outcome and adopting the neighbourhood plan

Meeting: 12/10/2016 - Council (Item 40)

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On 7 October 2016 Cabinet will consider a report on the adoption of the Longworth neighbourhood plan as part of the Development Plan for Vale of White Horse.


The report of the head of planning, which Cabinet will consider on 7 October, is attached.


The recommendations of Cabinet will be circulated to councillors on 7 October.




Additional documents:


Council considered the recommendation of Cabinet, made at its meeting on 7 October 2016, to make the Longworth Neighbourhood Plan part of the Development Plan for Vale of White Horse.


In moving Cabinet’s recommendation Councillor Roger Cox, Cabinet member for planning, stated that the Longworth Neighbourhood Plan supports the council’s strategy for development in smaller villages, encourages new development to sustain and where possible enhance the distinctive character of Longworth, includes a policy that seeks to retain key community facilities in the village and adds greater protection to two key community spaces – the allotments and recreational playing field. Over 80% of those who voted in the referendum on 18 August 2016 supported the plan.


RESOLVED: to make the Longworth Neighbourhood Plan part of the Development Plan for Vale of White Horse.




Meeting: 07/10/2016 - Cabinet (Item 67)

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To consider the head of planning’s report. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the head of planning’s report on the Longworth Neighbourhood Plan.  The plan had been subject to a referendum on 18 August 2016, when the majority supported it. 


Cabinet noted that the council had a duty to make the neighbourhood plan part of the development plan unless the making of the plan would breach, or would otherwise be incompatible with, any EU obligation or any of the Convention rights (within the meaning of the Human Rights Act 1998).  Officers reported that the neighbourhood plan was compatible with the current EU obligations and recommended that the council ‘make’ the neighbourhood plan part of the council’s development plan. 


RECOMMENDED: to Council to make the Longworth Neighbourhood Plan part of the development plan for Vale of White Horse. 


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OX14 3JE