Issue - meetings

Report of the Leader of the Council

Meeting: 15/02/2017 - Council (Item 73)

Report of the leader of the council

(1)       Urgent cabinet decisions


In accordance with the scrutiny procedure rules, a Cabinet decision can be taken as a matter of urgency, if any delay by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the council’s or the public’s interest.  Treating the decision as a matter of urgency must be agreed by the chairman of the Scrutiny Committee and must be reported to the next meeting of the council, together with the reasons for urgency.


To receive any details of urgent Cabinet decisions taken since the last ordinary meeting of the council, (if any).


(2)       Delegation of Cabinet functions


To receive details of any changes to the leader’s scheme of delegation. 


(3)       Matters affecting the authority arising from meetings of joint committees, partnerships and other meetings


To receive the report of the leader (if any). 


The Leader of the council referred to a meeting he had attended on the East – West rail link.


He provided an update on unitary council proposals and explained how his opinion had moved from support of a three unitary authority model and combined authority devolution bid to a single unitary authority for Oxfordshire which offered the best way forward to improve the delivery of services to all the residents of Oxfordshire and address reduced government funding.