Issue - meetings

Notices of Motion Under Standing Order No.11

Meeting: 20/07/2016 - Council (Item 30)

Notices of motion under standing order 11

To receive notices of motion under standing order 11.


(1)         Motion to be proposed by Councillor Mike Badcock, Chairman, seconder to be notified:

We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society.   We believe that hate crimes have no place in our country, whether they are based on race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability or gender identity. Vale of White Horse District Council condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally.  We will not allow hate to become acceptable. 

We reassure all people living in the Vale that they are valued members of our community.

(2)         Motion to be proposed by Councillor Eric Batts, seconded by Councillor Sandy Lovatt:


Council welcomes the interim findings of the Local Plan Inspector which allows the process to move on to modifications stage ahead of final adoption. Council thanks the officers and councillors involved in directing the Local Plan process for their hard work, professionalism and perseverance and looks forward to the successful adoption of the Local Plan Part 1 in due course.


(3)         Motion to be proposed by Councillor Ben Mabbett, seconded by Councillor Alice Badcock:


Council welcomes the success of the grants scheme set up to honour HM The Queen's 90th birthday. In total more than 40 parishes benefited from grants helping to support a wide range of successful celebrations across the district.


(4)        Motion to be proposed by Councillor Judy Roberts, seconded by Councillor Margaret Crick

During the process of the approval of planning applications, the public sometimes has a mistaken concept of the protection afforded by the conditions attached to planning permission. This council will only attach such conditions as are deemed enforceable.


(5)        Motion to be proposed by Councillor Bob Johnston, seconded by Councillor Debby Hallett

This council resolves to manage our public consultations with openness and transparency, using industry best practice. Our public consultations will use open-ended questions that encourage a range of responses, and officers will produce consultation reports that highlight all major concerns raised and the actions to be taken in response. Where we have control of the consultation, we will ensure openness and transparency. Where we are part of a governing body managing the consultation, we will openly encourage openness and transparency.

(6)        Motion to be proposed by Councillor Debby Hallett, seconded by Councillor Emily Smith

Council notes that the planning permission for West Way development in Botley, which includes 140+ new houses, will not include any provision of affordable housing. Council also notes that the developers have contributed £2,000,000 to affordable housing elsewhere. This council believes in fair play, and that communities who accept new housing developments should benefit from developer contributions; therefore the council asks officers to take the necessary steps to ring fence this donation, and any future overage, for affordable housing in Botley, and to explore options for providing such affordable housing in Botley.


(7)        Motion proposed by Councillor Dudley Hoddinott, seconded by Councillor Helen Pighills

We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society.  ...  view the full agenda text for item 30



(1)         Motion moved by Councillor Mike Badcock, Chairman, and seconded by Councillor Matthew Barber:

“We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society.   We believe that hate crimes have no place in our country, whether they are based on race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability or gender identity. Vale of White Horse District Council condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally.  We will not allow hate to become acceptable. 

We reassure all people living in the Vale that they are valued members of our community”.

A number of councillors expressed the view that they could not support the motion without reference to a commitment to support groups involved in the fight against the prevention of racism and xenophobia.

The chairman called for a recorded vote on the motion which was carried with the votes recorded as follows:







Alice Badcock

Margaret Crick

Mike Badcock

Debby Hallett

Matthew Barber


Jenny Hannaby

Eric Batts


Dudley Hoddinott

Yvonne Constance

Bob Johnston

Roger Cox

Helen Pighills

Stuart Davenport


Judy Roberts

Charlotte Dickson


Emily Smith

St John Dickson


Catherine Webber

Katie Finch

Robert Hall


Simon Howell


Vicky Jenkins




Sandy Lovatt


Ben Mabbett


Chris McCarthy


Chris Palmer


Julia Reynolds


Robert Sharp


Henry Spencer


Reg Waite


Elaine Ware


Total: 23

Total: 0

Total: 9


We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society.   We believe that hate crimes have no place in our country, whether they are based on race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability or gender identity. Vale of White Horse District Council condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally.  We will not allow hate to become acceptable. 

We reassure all people living in the Vale that they are valued members of our community.

(2)         Motion moved by Councillor Eric Batts and seconded by Councillor Sandy Lovatt:


Council welcomes the interim findings of the Local Plan Inspector which allows the process to move on to modifications stage ahead of final adoption. Council thanks the officers and councillors involved in directing the Local Plan process for their hard work, professionalism and perseverance and looks forward to the successful adoption of the Local Plan Part 1 in due course.


Councillor Emily Smith moved and Councillor Debby Hallett seconded an amendment as set out below with words deleted shown with a strikethrough and additional words shown in bold, to highlight the involvement of the wider community in the Local Plan process, was accepted by the mover and seconder of the original motion.


“Council welcomes the interim findings of the Local Plan Inspector which allows the process to move on to modifications stage ahead of final adoption. Council thanks the officers, and councillors,parish councils, residents and community groups involved in directing the Local Plan process for their hard work, professionalism and perseverance and looks forward to the successful adoption of the Local Plan Part 1 in due course."


The mover and seconder accepted the amendment.



To welcome the interim findings of the Local Plan Inspector  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30