Issue - meetings

Budget 2015/16 - to recommend the budget to Council

Meeting: 18/02/2015 - Council (Item 71)

71 Revenue budget 2015/16 and capital programme to 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 193 KB

Cabinet, at its meeting on 6 February 2015, considered the report of the head of finance on the draft revenue budget 2015/16, and the capital programme to 2019/20.


The report of the head of finance, considered by the Cabinet on 6 February 2015, is attached.


Cabinet supported the draft budget, and emphasised that should there be no change to the new homes bonus scheme then the leader of the council might wish to use an element of the remaining new homes bonus balance to fund infrastructure projects. 


Cabinet made the following amendments to the draft budget:

·         In appendix B item 5 under Economy, Leisure and Property, the title of the bid should be amended to ‘strategic property – additional professional support’

·         In appendix D.2 item 1 under Corporate Management Team, the title of the bid should read ‘South Hinksey rail crossing’ and ‘South Hinksey’ should replace ‘North Hinksey’ in the summary text

·         In appendix D.2 item 2 under HR, IT and Technical Services, the title of the bid should read ‘Abingdon flood defences’ and the summary text should be amended to ‘Funding of Abingdon flood defences including St Helen’s Mill and River Ock retention scheme’


Revised appendices B and D2 reflecting the above changes are attached.


Cabinet agreed that the leader of the council could make minor adjustments to the draft budget proposals and prudential indicators, in conjunction with the head of finance, should they prove necessary following the publication of the final Local Government settlement and prior to its submission to Council on 18 February 2015. 


RESOLVED to recommend Council that it:

(a)  sets the revenue budget for 2015/16 as set out in the appendix A.1 to the head of finance’s report;

(b)  approves the capital programme for 2015/16 to 2019/20 as set out in appendix D.1 to the head of finance’s report, together with the capital growth bids set out in appendix D.2 of the head of finance’s report;

(c)  sets the council’s prudential limits as listed in appendix E to the head of finance’s report;

(d)  approves the medium term financial plan to 2019/20 as set out in appendix F.1 to the head of finance’s report. 

Additional documents:


The chairman referred to regulations which came into force on 25 February 2014 that required councils to record the names of those councillors voting in favour, against or abstaining from any vote on the budget, including amendments, and the council tax. In accordance with the regulations she would call for a named vote on each of these matters at this meeting.


The chairman reminded councillors that they were not entitled to vote on any issue affecting the level or administration of the council tax or other decisions which might affect the making of any such calculation such as the budget, if they were over two months in arrears with their council tax payments. Where such circumstances applied, councillors were under a statutory obligation to disclose the restriction placed on them and refrain from voting at the relevant meeting. No councillor made any such declaration.


Council noted the report of the chief finance officer on the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the reserves.


Councillor Matthew Barber, Cabinet member for finance, presented the Cabinet’s proposals for the revenue budget 2015/16 and capital programme to 2019/20.

Councillor Matthew Barber moved and Councillor Roger Cox seconded a motion to approve Cabinet’s recommendations as follows:


That Council:


(a)          sets the revenue budget for 2015/16 as set out in the appendix A.1 to the head of finance's report to Cabinet on 6 February 2015;


(b)          approves the capital programme for 2015/16 to 2019/20 as set out in appendix D.1 to the head of finance’s report, together with the capital growth bids set out in appendix D.2 of the head of finance’s report;


(c)          sets the council’s prudential limits as listed in appendix E to the head of finance’s report; and


(d)          approves the medium term financial plan to 2019/20 as set out in appendix F.1 to the head of finance’s report.


Councillor Richard Webber moved and Councillor Dudley Hoddinott seconded an amendment to the above budget in the following terms:


That Council sets the revenue budget and capital programme taking account of the proposed changes as set out in the schedule - "Liberal Democrat budget proposal"(attached to the minute book copy of these minutes) to:


- create budgets to support the introduction of a council newsletter

- reorganise the grants scheme

- provide for additional air quality monitoring

- delete the data capture revenue provision

- offer top up grants for parishes undertaking neighbourhood plans

- provide capital funding for Lodge Hill junction improvements

- allocate funding for transport infrastructure schemes in Wantage/Grove

- support the Wantage and Grove leisure facility.


A number of councillors spoke in support of the amendment. The capital growth bids would allow important transport infrastructure projects to be progressed. Additional funding would be made available to address concerns from residents about the lack of information about council business and a confusing grants scheme. Additional funding would be made available to improve air quality monitoring and provide incentives for parish councils to undertake neighbourhood plans.


A  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71

Meeting: 06/02/2015 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Budget 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 184 KB

To consider the head of finance’s report.  Appendix E (prudential indicators) is to follow.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the head of finance’s report which proposed the draft revenue budget 2015/16 and the capital programme to 2019/20.  Tabled at the meeting were appendices E (Prudential Indicators) and F.2 (Reserves Funding). 


Cabinet supported the draft budget, and emphasised that should there be no change to the new homes bonus scheme, the leader of the council might wish to use an element of the remaining new homes bonus balance to fund infrastructure projects. 


Cabinet made the following amendments to the draft budget:

·         In appendix B item 5 under Economy, Leisure and Property, the title of the bid should be amended to ‘strategic property – additional professional support’

·         In appendix D.2 item 1 under Corporate Management Team, the title of the bid should read ‘South Hinksey rail crossing’ and ‘South Hinksey’ should replace ‘North Hinksey’ in the summary text

·         In appendix D.2 item 2 under HR, IT and Technical Services, the title of the bid should read ‘Abingdon flood defences’ and the summary text should be amended to ‘Funding of Abingdon flood defences including St Helen’s Mill and River Ock retention scheme’




1.    To recommend Council that it:

(a)  sets the revenue budget for 2015/16 as set out in the appendix A.1 to the head of finance’s report;

(b)  approves the capital programme for 2015/16 to 2019/20 as set out in appendix D.1 to the head of finance’s report, together with the capital growth bids set out in appendix D.2 of the head of finance’s report;

(c)  sets the council’s prudential limits as listed in appendix E to the head of finance’s report;

(d)  approves the medium term financial plan to 2019/20 as set out in appendix F.1 to the head of finance’s report. 


2.    That Cabinet agrees that the leader of the council makes minor adjustments to the draft budget proposals and prudential indicators, in conjunction with the head of finance, should they prove necessary following the publication of the final Local Government settlement and prior to its submission to Council on 18 February 2015. 


Vale of White Horse District Council