Issue - meetings

Broadband - to consider broadband provision in the Vale

Meeting: 05/12/2014 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Broadband pdf icon PDF 161 KB

To consider the strategic director’s report. 


Cabinet considered the report of the head of economy, leisure and property.  This provided an update in relation to the Better Broadband scheme for Oxfordshire and the additional coverage that would be provided by a council contribution of £250,000.  The report also recommended cabinet to ask full council to transfer this amount from the capital contingency budget to the capital programme and to authorise officers, in consultation with the relevant cabinet member, to negotiate and enter into the necessary agreements with Oxfordshire County Council.


Cabinet agreed with the proposals.




(a)               agree to provide £250,000 to increase superfast broadband coverage in the Vale;


(b)               recommend Council to transfer £250,000 from the capital contingency budget to the broadband budget for the delivery of the extension of the Better Broadband for Oxfordshire programme in the Vale; and


(c)               authorises the strategic director, in consultation with the relevant cabinet member, to negotiate and agree the detailed terms of the contract and implementation plan with Oxfordshire County Council, and authorises the head of legal and democratic services to complete the necessary agreements. 



Vale of White Horse District Council