Decision details

Corporate Performance Report and Climate Action Plan Performance Report - Quarter 1, 2023/24

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet considered the Corporate Performance Report and the Climate Action Plan Performance Report for the first quarter of 2023/24. 


The Cabinet member for corporate services, policy and programmes welcomed the reports, believing that they were a good reflection of the council’s ambition and transparency in performance reporting.  He hoped that the reports could be shortened in future, reducing the time for compilation and publication.  He thanked officers for their work on these reports. 


Cabinet members agreed, believing that the reports showed the council’s success, such as in providing homes.  Members asked that in future the performance reports provided the affordable housing figure into the different types of housing.  Also, members called for the reports to be written in plain English for a public audience, avoiding technical terms. 


RESOLVED: to note the Corporate Performance Report and the Climate Action Plan Performance Report from quarter 1, 2023/24. 

Report author: Tim Oruye

Publication date: 05/03/2024

Date of decision: 10/11/2023

Decided at meeting: 10/11/2023 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents:


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