Decision details

Financial management system - to approve contract arrangements

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for finance and corporate assets

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To use the Government’s G-Cloud 12 Framework to award a two-year contract to Unit4 for Software as a Service provision of the Unit4 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application.  The contract is for a two-year period commencing 1 October 2022, with the option to extend for one-year on two occasions.


The cost of the two-year initial contract period will be £146,221 with the costs shared equally with South Oxfordshire District Council. 

Publication date: 04/10/2022

Date of decision: 16/09/2022

Effective from: 12/10/2022

Accompanying Documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council