Issue - decisions

Treasury management strategy - half-year review 2011/12

07/02/2012 - Treasury management strategy - half-year review 2011/12

The committee considered report 62/11 of the head of finance.  This monitored the council’s performance of its treasury management (financial investments) for the period 1 April to 30 September 2011. 


In answer to a question from a councillor, the officers reported that the council's investment fund manager (Investec) was regulated on where they could invest.  The officers agreed to circulate the latest investment report from Investec to committee members.


The council’s treasury management was carried out by an in-house team that concentrated on ensuring the council had sufficient cash flow to carry out its daily activities, and an external team that invested for longer term gains.  Therefore, the in-house team was more likely to achieve a lower return on its investments. 


The committee noted that the council’s treasury management had operated within the agreed parameters in the treasury management strategy.  The committee considered that no changes were necessary to the strategy. 




(a)       note the treasury management mid-year monitoring report for 2011/12;


(b)       advise Cabinet that the committee is satisfied that the treasury management activities have been carried out in accordance with the treasury management strategy and policy; and


(c)        request the officers to circulate the latest Investec investment report to committee members.