Agenda item

P23/V1518/S73 - Land at Townsend Road, Shrivenham

Variation of condition 2 (Materials), condition 7 (Landscaping Scheme), condition 10 (Surface water drainage), condition 11 (Foul water drainage) and condition 15 (Wastewater network upgrades) on application P22/V2618/S73


S73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) and remove condition 9 (obscured glazing) on application P20/V1279/FUL.


Redevelopment of the site to provide 10 new dwellings (a net gain of 9 units) and associated parking, gardens, access improvements and landscaping, following the demolition of the existing workshops and bungalow.


The committee considered planning application P23/V1518/S73 for variation of condition 2 (Materials), condition 7 (Landscaping Scheme), condition 10 (Surface water drainage), condition 11 (Foul water drainage) and condition 15 (Wastewater network upgrades) on application P22/V2618/S73. S73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) and remove condition 9 (obscured glazing) on application P20/V1279/FUL. Redevelopment of the site to provide 10 new dwellings (a net gain of 9 units) and associated parking, gardens, access improvements and landscaping, following the demolition of the existing workshops and bungalow.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was for technical changes. The approved development of 10 dwellings was almost complete but a change was proposed from the previously approved onsite pumping station to an onsite sewage treatment plant. The planning officer informed the committee it had come to light that the required 15 metre distance of an onsite pumping station from dwellings was no achievable whereas an onsite sewage treatment only required a distance of seven metres.


The planning officer demonstrated how the sewage treatment plant would work and advised that the water would be 95 per cent clean by the time it was discharged into the ditch. She confirmed that the Environment Agency had approved the required licence for discharge and that this carried weight when considering the application. It was proposed that a management company would manage the drainage equipment. The planning officer confirmed that the site currently discharges into the ditch.


The planning officer advised that the application was to address a technical matter and no objections had been received from technical consultees. As such the application was recommended for approval.


Bob Sheldon, a representative of Shrivenham Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application.


Marc Willis, the agenda for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Katherine Foxhall, a local ward member, spoke on the application.


The committee asked what weight the issued Environment Agency certificate carried. The planning officer advised their confirmation that they could connect to the drainage ditch was a material consideration and carried full weight as an alternative drainage solution.


The committee raised concerns around the maintenance being the responsibility of a management company and asked if there was anything which could be done to ensure they carry out their duty. The planning officer advised that some information on how management and maintenance would be carried out was provided in the drainage statement but that a condition specifically setting this out could be required if this was felt to be reasonable.


The committee further asked if there was a way to ensure the quality of the effluent into the ditch. The planning office advised they would be uneasy with requiring details on the monitoring process. She confirmed that off-site this would be dealt with under separate legislation by the Environment Agency and that on-site a drainage management and monitoring plan would need to be submitted under the drainage condition for drainage officers to consider.


A motion, moved and seconded to approve the application subject to an additional condition requiring the submission of a drainage management scheme prior to first occupation, was carried on being put to the vote.


The committee reflected on the difficult decision to be made but in the absence of any technical objections could see no reason to refuse the application but that the wording of the additional condition would be key. The planning officer read proposed wording of the condition to the committee.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/V1518/S73 subject to the following conditions:


1.    In accordance with approved plans and documents

2.    In accordance with external material schedule

3.    Vehicular access and visibility splays

4.    Parking and turning areas to be kept unobstructed

5.    Provision of cycle stores

6.    Details of landscaping scheme to be submitted

7.    Provision of EVCPs

8.    Provision of surface water and foul water drainage scheme

9.    Provision of boundary treatment

10.Ecological enhancement and mitigation

11.Tree protection

12.Wastewater solution

13.Manhole cover / connection levels

14.PD rights removed (buildings, structures, boundary treatment) – Plot 10

15.Management and maintenance plan for surface water and foul drainage infrastructure to be submitted


Advisory notes

1.    Works within the public highway

2.    S278

3.    Riparian rights – Plot 10


Supporting documents:


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