Agenda item

P24/V0653/FUL - Woodland Farm, Appleton Road, Longworth, Abingdon, OX13 5EF

Change of use and associated works to existing buildings to form 5 no. dwellings with associated operations and landscaping works. Erection of car ports for each property. (as updated by revised Phasing Plan received 25 March 2024, and as amplified by plans showing access arrangements and secure bike storage received 9 May 2024, and as amplified by additional technical detail relating to access and turning, waste collection and biodiversity received 15 July 2024, and as corrected by entrance plan adjusting scale received 23 July 2024, as amplified by supporting information - highways and waste management received 18 September 2024).


The committee considered planning application P24/V0653/FUL for change of use and associated works to existing buildings to form 5 no. dwellings with associated operations and landscaping works. Erection of car ports for each property. (as updated by revised Phasing Plan received 25 March 2024, and as amplified by plans showing access arrangements and secure bike storage received 9 May 2024, and as amplified by additional technical detail relating to access and turning, waste collection and biodiversity received 15 July 2024, and as corrected by entrance plan adjusting scale received 23 July 2024, as amplified by supporting information - highways and waste management received 18 September 2024) on land at Woodland Farm, Appleton Road, Longworth, Abingdon, OX13 5EF.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application sought to convert six barns to five dwellings. She clarified that the Joint Local Plan was now at Regulation 19 not Regulation 18 as set out in the report but that the same weight applied to the policies.


The planning officer informed the committee that an extant permission applied to the site under class Q of the General Permitted Development Order for the conversion of the barns to five dwellings and that this had to be completed by July 2025 which the applicant had confirmed was possible. The planning officer highlighted that the differences with this application from the class Q prior approval were the inclusion of bike stores, car ports, parking provision and an orchard to ensure biodiversity net gain. She went on to advise that the conversion as proposed under the application before the committee was consistent with the granted prior approval and as such there was a valid fallback position and the principle of conversion was acceptable.


The planning officer highlighted that since the site visit the applicant had confirmed that waste collection for the proposed dwellings would be provided via a private service provider and that the vehicles would be able to access and enter the site to collect waste. She informed the committee that an additional condition in relation to waste collection details was proposed – condition 13.


The planning officer went on to propose an amendment to condition 11 from the officer recommendation to specifically include the passing bays on the access road. She informed the committee that the local highways authority were satisfied that access for five dwellings could be provided without impact to existing neighbours or the highways network.


The planning officer informed the committee that the application complied with Local Plan policy CP46 as biodiversity net gain was secured. She advised it was acceptable to deliver this on site or on land within the applicant’s ownership. She advised that the relevant proposed condition secured the maintenance of this for a period of 30 years and a management company would be set up to deliver this. The planning officer confirmed that this delivery of biodiversity net gain was a betterment of the prior approval scheme where there was no provision for biodiversity net gain.


The planning officer highlighted that the applicant had confirmed the gate with keypad access which members had observed on the site visit would be removed. She advised that this could be shown on the boundary treatment plan which was secured by condition.


The planning officer concluded that the application was recommended for approval subject to the proposed conditions as the scheme was comparable to existing prior approval permission and there was betterment of this scheme.


Councillor Chris Dyer spoke on behalf of Longworth Parish Council, objecting to the application.


Yvonne Longstaff spoke objecting to the application.


Alex Cresswell (ACPC), the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Mark Coleman, local ward councillor, spoke on the application.


The committee had conducted a site visit prior to the discussion of the application.


The committee asked the planning officer to confirm that the existing barns were capable of conversion and structurally sound. The planning officer confirmed that additional information had been provided by the applicant to demonstrate there had been no significant deterioration of the barns. She advised that the proposal met the council’s conversion policy and that the buildings could be converted under the existing class Q permission.


The committee asked the planning officer to clarify the fallback position for the site should the application before them be refused. The planning officer advised the committee the site benefited from planning permission to convert the same existing six barns into five dwellings. The access, waste and highways arrangements were the same as previously approved. The committee went on to enquire as to the need for a lawful development certificate. The planning officer advised that there was no requirement for a lawful development certificate to be obtained and that the prior approval allowed the applicant to carry out the proposed conversion works. In addition to this the committee asked for confirmation that they were unable to rescind the prior approval. The planning officer confirmed this.


The committee asked for confirmation as to how much weight the Neighbourhood Plan policies had been given. The planning officer confirmed that the policies had been given full consideration and that the development was not considered infill as it was conversion of existing buildings, and not new build development.


A motion, moved and seconded to approve the application subject to an amendment to condition 11 and additional condition in relation to waste collection was carried on being put to the vote.


The committee reflected that the application before them was an improvement on the fallback position. Some members felt that the development was infill even though the buildings were existing as not currently used for residential purposes.


The committee noted there were no technical objections to the proposal and that the waste collection concerns had been addressed.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P24/V0653/FUL subject to the following conditions:


  1. Work to commence within 3 years
  2. In accordance with approved plans
  3. Tree and hedge protection
  4. Surface water drainage
  5. Foul water drainage
  6. Materials schedule
  7. Hard landscaping scheme and boundary treatment
  8. Landscaping scheme
  9. Biodiversity enhancement plan
  10. Cycle parking
  11. Access improvements, turning and vehicle parking
  12. EVCP
  13. Waste management statement
  14. External lighting



  1. CIL
  2. Works within the Highway
  3. Surface water detail
  4. Neighbourhood Plan Policies


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