For action: To provide an update to the Partnership following the announcement of the cessation of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 programme and the transition to a process focused on Local Plans.
Giles Hughes, Senior Responsible Officer for the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, referred to the statement issued by the city and district council leaders about the cessation of the programme. This had explained that unfortunately it had not been possible to reach a consensus position on an approach towards housing and as a consequence it had not been possible to continue with the development of the Oxfordshire Plan.
Nevertheless, as set out in the report, there were many areas where there was a broad agreement between the councils. It was, therefore, important that this work should be taken forward in a way that was both compatible with a Local Plan based process and which went beyond the Duty to Cooperate. Consequently, the report lists detailed principles about how this could be achieved. The councils also remain committed to the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision 2050 and taking forward the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy. A key recommendation is that the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Group should be renamed and refocused to facilitate this.
Councillor Smith commented that as the Chair of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Group she echoed Mr Hughes remarks. She also welcomed the Scrutiny Panel’s support of the report’s recommendations. While Councillor Smith had been disappointed that it had not been possible to agree on a process to determine housing need, she emphasised that a lot of good work had been achieved through the Plan process which they should be proud of including in the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision.
If the Partnership agreed to the recommendation to continue with a reamed and refocused advisory group, Councillor Smith commented that the county would still be able to work together and undertake strategic planning discussions on cross-boundary issues. It was also felt that this would contribute to mitigating some of the concerns expressed by the public speakers at the meeting.
In discussion, Councillor Leffman spoke to the importance of integrating the work around the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy into the work of the revised advisory group because of the need for an Oxfordshire wide strategy.
Councillor Hollingsworth, whilst commenting that it was a matter of regret that the Oxfordshire Plan 2020 would not continue, stated that a lot of valuable collaboration had taken place. He supported the recommendations as an opportunity to take forward the best of the Plan work. Other parts of the country had worked together on spatial planning issues and there was value in shared policy and evidence base collection.
The Chair echoed the comments made, emphasizing that there was value to be gained by a collaborative approach on Oxfordshire wide matters. Whilst the Duty to Cooperate did not mean a duty to agree, close working was vitally important (for instance through mechanisms such as Statements of Common understanding).
Councillor Rouane commented that the money spent in the development of the Plan had delivered many pieces of good work that would continue to be valuable. He supported the refocussing of the advisory group and highlighted the opportunities for joint working on issues such as solar farms.
RESOLVED: That Future Oxfordshire Partnership:
1. Notes that Local Plans for the City and Districts will provide the framework for the long-term planning of development in Oxfordshire.
2. Supports the principles set out in paragraph 16 of the report outlining how the partners will take forward the Local Plan based approach.
3. Notes that the end of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 work programme requires a review of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Group’s name and terms of reference.
4. Request that Officers develop draft terms of reference for a refreshed Planning Advisory Group of all six principal authorities for consideration at a future meeting.
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE