Venue: 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, OX14 4SB
Contact: Paul Bateman
No. | Item |
Chair's announcements To receive any announcements from the chair, and general housekeeping matters. Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined the meeting procedure to be followed. He also explained emergency evacuation procedure.
Apologies for absence To record apologies for absence and the attendance of substitute members. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Cheryl Briggs
To adopt and sign as a correct record the Planning Committee minutes of the meeting held on 17 August 2022. Minutes: Resolved: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 17 August 2022 and agree the chair signs them as such.
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Ron Batstone sited a declaration of interest, due to agenda item 8 on the land at Monks Farm Grove being part of his ward so he would not take part in the decision making.
Urgent business To receive notification of any matters which the chairman determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent. Minutes: None.
Public participation To receive any statements from members of the public that have registered to speak on planning applications which are being presented to this committee meeting. Minutes: The Committee noted the list of the members of the public who had registered to speak at the meeting.
P21/V2415/FUL - Smiths Hill Farm, Letcombe Bassett, OX12 9XL PDF 659 KB Erection of two stable blocks and ancillary hard landscaping to yard area. Use of the site for equestrian business purposes. (Additional statement, topographical survey and amended block plan with landscaping received 25 May 2022). (Additional Information received 7 July 2022 - Applicants advice letter and plan illustrating ground levels.) (Additional Information for clarification received 26 August 2022 - Clarification letter from agent on highway impact & update to description) Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered planning application P21/V2415/FUL the erection of two stable blocks and ancillary hard landscaping to yard area. Use of the site for equestrian business purposes. (Additional statement, topographical survey and amended block plan with landscaping received 25 May 2022). (Additional Information received 7 July 2022- Applicant’s advice latter and plan illustrating ground level.) (Additional Information for clarification received 26 August 2022- Clarification latter from agent on highway impact & update to description), on the land at Smiths Hill Farm, Letcombe Bassett.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and recommended approval of the application. The officer had concluded that the proposal would have economic and social benefits, both locally and wider afield. The environmental impact of the proposal has been carefully assessed; the landscape and purposes of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty would be protected and there was scope to enhance it with additional landscaping. Also, the impact on the local highway network would not be significant given the type and scale of the proposal and was considered unlikely to cause harm to highway safety.
Charles Rowe and Councillor Yvonne Constance spoke objecting to the application.
David Burson, the agent, and Mrs Bradstock spoke in support to the application.
Councillor Paul Barrow, a local ward councillor, spoke in support to the application
A motion was moved and seconded to accept the application. The proposer believed the application would in maintain the historic tradition of maintaining horses in the local area. Members proposed an additional condition to limit the timing of the external lighting. The motion to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P21/V2415/FUL, subject to the following conditions:
1. Commencement of development – 3 years 2. Approved plans
Prior to construction of stables above slab level 3. Surface and foul water drainage details for approval 4. Updated landscaping scheme, to include hedgerow and hedgerow tree planting either side of the site entrance; planting around the southwestern corner of the site where the old access was; and details of planting to the northern embankments
Compliance 5. No external lighting installed other than in accordance with details first approved 6. No rooflights in stables 7. Access and visibility splays in accordance with plans 8. Turning space in accordance with plans 9. Materials in accordance with application 10.Restriction on use of site 11.External lighting timing, the hours of use of any external lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to its use. Thereafter the external lighting shall only be operated in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To conserve and protect the dark skies landscape of the North Wessex Downs AONB. (Policy CP44 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part1 and Policy DP21 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part2)
P21/V3516/RM - Monks Farm, Grove, OX12 0AH PDF 397 KB Reserved matters approval for 83 dwellings (Phase 1B), including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, and approval of details in relation to Phase 1B for conditions 1, 16, 19, 20 pursuant to planning permission P16/V0981/O.(As amended by plans and documentation received 19 April 2022, and as amended and amplified by new information received 1 and 13 June, 13 July, and 18 August 2022.) Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered planning application P21/V3516/RM reserved matters approval for 83 dwellings (Phase 1B), including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, and approval of details in relation to Phase 1B for conditions 1, 16, 19, 20 pursuant to planning permission P16/V0981/O.(As amended by plans and documentation received 19 April 2022, and as amended and amplified by new information received 1 and 13 June, 13 July, and 18 August 2022.), on the land at Monks Farm Grove.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and recommended approval of the application.
Barry Gooch spoke objecting to the application.
Rebecca Bacon and Georgina Naish, the agents, spoke in support to the motion.
Councillor Ron Batstone, a local ward councillor, spoke in support of Mr Gooch’s suggestion for a mini roundabout at the junction of Denchworth Road and Churchward Close, or to defer consideration of the application until the northern link road was approved.
The committee noted that the highway layout and access to the site had been approved at the outline application stage. A mini roundabout outside of the application site could not be added.
A motion was moved and seconded to accept the officer’s recommendation to approve the application. Although the committee expressed some concern at the piecemeal development of the site, members had to consider the application as it was before them. The motion to accept the application was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P21/V3516/RM subject to the following conditions: 1. Approved plans 2. Roads, parking and turning and footways to be provided prior to first occupation of each dwelling to which it relates. 3. Boundaries to be provided in accordance with approved drawings prior to first occupation of each dwelling to which it relates. 4. Restriction on occupancy to no more than 55 dwellings until bridge is complete. 5. Restriction on occupancy to no more than 75 dwellings until the landscaping approved within this application is complete
Informatives: 1. Details pursuant to conditions 1, 16, 19 and 20 of outline planning permission P16/V0981/O are agreed for this phase through the approval of the Reserved Matters application. 2. The applicant is reminded of the obligation of compliance with the relevant conditions on the outline application that apply to this phase (e.g., CEMP and LEMP implementation). 3. Highway informatives
P22/V1380/FUL - 3 Stowford Cottage, Faringdon Road, Shippon, OX13 6LN PDF 317 KB Change of use from a small 6-person HMO (Use Class C4) to an 8-person HMO (Sui-Generis) (amended description agreed on the 5th of August). Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered planning application P22/V1380/FUL change of use from a small 6-person HMO (Use Class C4) to an 8-person HMO (SuiGeneris) (amended description agreed on the 5th of August), on the lands at Stowford Cottage, Faringdon Road, Shippon.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report. The site was already used as a six-bed home in multiple occupation under permitted development rights. On assessment of the application and on the advice of the county highways officer that the parking provision would be sufficient, the officer recommended that the application was approved.
David Churchhouse, a representative of Shippon Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.
Ben Temple, the agent, spoke in support to the application.
Councillor Catherine Webber, a local ward councillor, spoke in objection to the application
The chair opened the debate and called for a motion. As no motion was proposed, the chair put the officer’s recommendation forward to commence the debate. The officer’s recommendation was to approve the application for an eight-bed home in multiple occupation. There had been no objections from technical consultees. However, members expressed concern that the site would have insufficient parking and a motion was proposed to defer the application pending a site visit. This proposal was lost on being put to the vote.
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application with a condition that the number of people living in the house in multiple occupation would be restricted to a maximum of eight people. This motion was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/V1380/FUL subject to the following conditions: Standard 1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission 2. Approved plans Prior to occupation 3. HY7 - Car Parking 4. HY20 - Bicycle Parking 5. RE29 - Refuse Storage Informative 6. HMO Licence Informative *With the condition that the number of people be kept to a maximum of 8 people: ‘Each bedroom within the development hereby permitted shall be let to one person only and there shall be no double occupancy.
Reason: In the interests of neighbour amenity, highway safety and to ensure there is sufficient parking to serve the development (Policies CP33, CP35 and CP37 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and Policies DP16 and DP23 of the Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2013 Part 2).’
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE