41 Didcot Technology Park - Proposed Local Development Order PDF 218 KB
Cabinet, at its meeting held on 27 September 2024, considered the report of the head of planning to progress a Local Development Order (LDO) for Didcot Technology Park.
Plan 5 in the attached LDO incorporates a small change to the pedestrian/cycle route to ensure the developer can deliver it as required under the S106.
RECOMMENDATION: to adopt the Didcot Technology Park Local Development Order (LDO) (attached at Appendix 3 to the report of the head of planning to Cabinet on 27 September 2024), subject to completion of a legal agreement securing the elements referred to in paragraph 9 of the report.
Additional documents:
Council considered Cabinet’s recommendations, made at its meeting on 27 September 2024, on progress towards a Local Development Order (LDO) for Didcot Technology Park.
Councillor Lugova, Cabinet member for Planning, advised that Plan 5, as attached to the Council agenda, had been updated since the Cabinet meeting, to take account of a small change to the pedestrian/cycle route to ensure the developer could deliver it as required under the Section 106.
RESOLVED: to adopt the Didcot Technology Park Local Development Order (LDO) (attached at Appendix 3 to the report of the head of planning attached to the agenda to the Council meeting on 23 October 2024), subject to the completion of a legal agreement securing the elements referred to in paragraph 9 of the report.
56 Didcot Technology Park Local Development Order PDF 218 KB
To consider the head of planning’s report.
Additional documents:
Cabinet received the Didcot Technology Park – Proposed Local Development Order report from the head of planning. The report sought a recommendation to Council that the Didcot Technology Park Local Development Order (LDO), is adopted subject to completion of a legal agreement.
The Cabinet member for planning introduced the report informing Cabinet that an LDO effectively grants planning permission for specific development in a defined area. The proposed LDO was for an employment site provision of up to 150,000 sqm and expired in 2042 in line with the expiry of the Enterprise Zone. The Cabinet member went on to advise that the LDO would be reviewed every five years and could be revoked at any time. She concluded that adoption would be subject to securing a Section 106 legal agreement.
Cabinet noted there had been a number of improvements to the LDO namely in relation to encouraging active travel with improved cycle parking provision and the provision of cycle and pedestrian routes to the site. Cabinet asked for confirmation that the business rates secured from the development would be retained by the district. The head of finance confirmed that the site was within Enterprize Zone 2 and that there had been no decision on what projects the retained rates would be spent on.
RESOLVED: to recommend to Council that:
1. The Didcot Technology Park Local Development Order (LDO) (attached at Appendix 3 to this report), is adopted subject to completion of a legal agreement securing the elements referred to in paragraph 9.
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Vale of White Horse District Council
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OX14 3JE