Cabinet report



Report of Head of Policy and Programmes

Author: Harry Barrington-Mountford

Telephone: 07554432156


Wards affected: All

Cabinet member responsible: Cllr Debby Hallett



Scrutiny - 23 September 2021

Cabinet - 01 October 2021





Vale of White Horse District Council Quarter 1 Performance Report 2021


(a) that Cabinet members approve the Quarter 1 Performance Report 2021


Purpose of Report

1.    To introduce the first quarterly performance report to Vale of White Horse District Council for the Corporate Plan 2020-2024. The intention of this report is to demonstrate the progress made in the reporting period against the corporate aims as set out in the Corporate Plan.

2.    The contact officer is Harry Barrington-Mountford, Head of Policy and Programmes for South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) and Vale of White Horse District Council (VWDC).



Corporate Objectives

3.    Working in an open and inclusive way.


4.    In April and May of 2021, officers and Cabinet members worked on drafting a set of measures which could be assigned to each of the individual aims within the approved Corporate Plan 2020-2024. The draft measures were progressed through Scrutiny (27 May 2021). The measures were well received and were endorsed to progress to the following Cabinet meeting where they were approved, along with the accompanying Performance Management Framework document (PMF) on 28 May 2021.

5.    The PMF set out the key elements of performance reporting across the organisation and proposed a reporting timetable of 4 quarterly reports, aligned with the financial year.

The Q1 Performance Management Report

6.    The appended report is the first quarterly report covering activity within the period 1 April 2021 and 30 June 2021. This report demonstrates the progress made against the aims in the Corporate Plan and will facilitate constructive conversations with Cabinet Members and their respective Head of Service. These conversations will ensure that progress is being made and is able to be demonstrated or will facilitate appropriate challenge where members do not feel that this has happened.

Climate and ecological impact implications

7.    There are no direct climate or ecological implications arising from the report.  A number of the identified measures and the detail provided by services in response, relate to Corporate Plan themes which focus on the climate and ecological agenda. By their nature, their progress being reported here will contribute to an advancement of the aims in the Corporate Plan.

Financial Implications

8.    There are no direct financial implications arising from the detail provided in the Q1 Performance Report as this is specific to activity which took place in the period of 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021.

Legal Implications

9.    None


10. None

Other implications

11. None


Background Papers

·        Vale of White Horse District Council Quarter 1 Performance Report