Agenda item

Social Value Brokerage Platform Business Case

For action: To consider a business case for use of Housing and Growth Deal Capacity Funding to address the challenge of increasing the amount of social value delivered through procurement activity across the county using Social Value Brokerage. 


The Partnership considered a report and business case seeking to address the challenge of increasing the amount of social value delivered through procurement activity across Oxfordshire using Social Value Brokerage. Emma Coles, Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership Manager introduced the report and responded to member questions.


The Partnership was asked to approve the business case and the use of up to £90,000 from the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal Capacity Funding to support the implementation of the proposals. It was explained that by establishing an Oxfordshire wide social value brokerage platform it would be possible to reduce costs and enable faster more efficient connections between suppliers and local organisations leading to increased opportunities for social value procurement and inclusive economic growth. It was stressed that appropriate officers within each council would be engaged about the procurement of the platform as that process progressed.


In discussion, Councillors Bethia Thomas whilst expressing full support for the aims and aspiration of the proposals with regard to a more inclusive economy, expressed some concern that there was a need to proceed cautiously given the timing of the approval of the proposals in the context of the wider change and the review of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership. She also spoke to the need to work closely with officers in all the councils and avoid any duplication of existing effort and resources across the county and different partnerships given pressure on resources.


Councillor David Rouane commented that although he also fully supported the aims and objectives of the proposals, it was a very technical area and he felt unsure as to how the proposals demonstrated they would deliver wider benefits to the Oxfordshire economy. Officers responded that the platform was intended to essentially ‘match’ typically larger organisations wishing to increase the social value of their procurement processes with local suppliers and enterprises looking for opportunities to meet those needs. It was recognised that the platform would only be as good as the opportunities that were listed upon it and the organisations involved, which is why it was intended to use Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal Capacity funding to put in place capacity to promote the platform and engage with appropriate networks to build the momentum necessary for the platform to succeed.


The meeting was also informed the costings within the business case covered a period of two years including licensing.


Councillor Andy Graham commented that he felt the proposals represented a significant step forward and it was up to councils to all use the platform and to promote its use working with their respective Economic Development teams. He also echoed remarks that there should be continued engagement in the platform engagement process.


In response to a question regarding the business case options for the procurement process, the meeting was updated that initially two procuring body options had been considered as set out in the report, one via Oxford City Council which already had experience of the ‘Match my Project’ platform and the Oxfordshire Local Economic Partnership, (OxLEP), but since that time OxLEP had indicated that they would find it difficult to assist. However, Oxford City Council had indicated they were happy to assist on behalf of all the councils.


Professor Alex Betts and Professor Alistair Fitt supported the recommendation. Professor Betts highlighted the importance of the social value agenda and that it could help to underpin an inclusive growth agenda for Oxfordshire. There was an increasing impetus from many organisations, including ‘Anchor Institutions’ to want to award contracts based upon considerations which were not just based around price and quality, but also recognised social value. The types of employment practices companies followed was also important, as was the aspiration to use local companies, making the greatest social difference in the county. Small and medium sized local businesses needed assistance with this which the brokerage platform would help assist.


Councillor Susan Brown and Councillor David Hingley supported the recommendations.  Councillor Brown commenting that in her view, the proposed brokerage platform fitted with the ethos of the local authorities within the Partnership and that the use of Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal Capacity Funding to support the project closely aligned with the wider remit and scope of the Housing and Growth Deal.


Upon being out to the voting members of the Partnership, it was:



1.     That the Social Value Brokerage Business Case be agreed.


2.     That the funding for the implementation of the business case to the value of £90,000 be agreed from the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal Net Capacity Fund.


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