Agenda item

Updates from key strategic partnerships supporting delivery of the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision

For information: To receive updates from other partnerships supporting the delivery of the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision.



Councillor Andy Graham provided a verbal update of the Oxford to Cambridge Pan-Regional Partnership Board, (PRP) meeting held on 19 September 2024

The discussion at the PRP meeting had been through, positive and open. Matters discussed included the organisations constitution, its work programme and environmental principles moving forward. This included the role of the PRP in acting as a facilitator and conveyor of the Environment Agency’s integrated water framework at a regional scale and green finance investment opportunities. Councillor Graham commented that in his view, the value of a pan regional collective approach had been demonstrated, but further financial support was needed from HM Government for the PRP to continue.


Professor Alistair Fitt added that had been developments around partnership working between the PRP, the Arc Universities Group, England Economic Heartland, the Oxford to Cambridge Supercluster and East West Rail. The  Oxford to Cambridge Supercluster now been established as a legal entity with a board of directors.


In his view, the future of East West Rail within the grouping was unclear pending HM Government clarification. He concurred that time was running out in terms of the PRP’s financial position. There had also been discussions around the new Government’s emerging policy position.


Councillor Susan Brown referred to remarks by the Chair of Ofgem at the meeting about changes and reorganisation of the national electricity grid. These changes were not well socialised in her view, but they were important as it was understood that Ofgem would be working more closely with planning authorities around future grid needs although it was not yet clear how. It was important that further discussions about the grid took place at an Oxfordshire level so the collective views of Oxfordshire could be fed into whatever structures were put in place. 


The Chair gave an update on the meeting of England’s Economic Heartland, (EEH) which had taken place on 27 September 2024. Agenda topics had priorities for rail investment on a regional basis, with a focus on issues such as decarbonisation of the rail network which would affect the network around Didcot and Oxford and the presentation had also included mention of the possibilities around a station at Wantage and Grove. The Chiltern Line and East West Rail has also been discussed and unfortunately there was no current plan for East West Rail to be electric.


Other matters discussed include an update on the new Government’s approach, the possibilities for the EEH to seek statutory functions and powers and the response of the EEH to the Government’s consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework and other consultations.


A Bus symposium was to be held on 10 October 2024 which was expected to include discussion of bus franchising arrangements.


Miranda Markham commented that on behalf of a number of business stakeholders including Bicester Village she had written to the Secretary of State for Transport around the fleet capacity of the Chiltern Line which was also acting as a barrier to future economic growth in the area. She commented that it was important to seek to raise the issue in any conversation with HM Government.


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