Permission in principle for residential development of single-storey dwellings.
The committee considered planning application P24/V1017/PIP for Permission in Principle for residential development of single-storey dwellings, on Land at Townsend Road Shrivenham
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application sought permission in principle for a residential development of up to five dwellings on the western edge of Shrivenham. She went on to explain that where permission in principle is sought these applications are dealt with in two parts with the permission in principle considered first. If this is granted then a technical details consent application had to be submitted which considered the detail and technical matters. The planning officer advised the committee that the only matters which could be assessed as part of the application before them was if the principle of development was acceptable in the proposed location and if the application complied with the spatial strategy.
The planning officer informed the committee that a previous refusal on the site had been dismissed at appeal as it had been considered that the application site was beyond the built limits of Shrivenham. However, that application had been for a much larger site area. The application before the committee had a much reduced site area which was surrounded on three sides by existing built form.
The planning officer went on to note that whilst there were protected trees on the site this was not a constraint to development. She also advised that there were no drainage constraints which were an in principle issue with the site. The planning officer went on to confirm that infrastructure contributions through the Community Infrastructure Levy would be calculated at the technical details consent stage.
The planning officer clarified that no conditions could be added to a permission in principle but that a minimum and maximum number of dwellings on the site should be stated. In this instance the minimum was one and the maximum was five.
The planning officer concluded that the application was recommended for approval.
Councillor Richard Bartle spoke on behalf of Shrivenham Parish Council, objecting to the application.
The committee asked the planning officer to clarify the inability to place conditions on the application beyond the maximum number of dwellings and what would happen if a technical details consent application came forward proposing more than five dwellings on the site. The planning officer confirmed that the role in setting the minimum and maximum number of dwellings was the best mechanism available to limit what could be built on the site. This number was based on a high level assessment and it was for the applicant to submit a technical details consent application with a layout that works within those parameters. The planning officer went on to advise if an application for more than five dwellings was submitted it would be possible to refuse the application as it went against the principle which had been established.
The committee reflected that the site was clearly part of a larger piece of land and queried if there was anything that could be done to prevent future applications expanding the site. The planning officer advised that the application before the committee had to be considered as submitted and that any future applications would be assessed on their own merits.
The committee asked how much the cumulative impact of development in the area could be taken into account when it came to the impact on services for instance. The planning officer advised that infrastructure contributions to go towards services and facilities through the Community Infrastructure Levy would be calculated at the technical details consent stage. She advised that considering what could be accommodated in line with spatial strategy was something that could be considered at this stage. As the site was a windfall site and closely related to existing built form the principle of development was acceptable.
The committee reflected that whilst they had heard the concerns of Shrivenham Parish Council and previous applications on the site had been refused, sites such as this one should be considered as housing was required.
Some members of the committee had reservations about approving an application with so little information as they felt anything that was built should be in keeping with existing character of the area.
The committee noted that the site was restricted in size in comparison to the site area of previously rejected applications and due to the fact it was surrounded on three sides by buildings should be considered infill development.
A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P24/V1017/PIP, subject to the following advisory notes:
Advisory notes
1. Minimum / maximum number of dwellings should range from 1 to 5
2. Technical details consent is required
3. CIL
Supporting documents:
01235 422520
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Vale of White Horse District Council
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OX14 3JE