For action: To consider a business case proposing an increase in the allocation of the Housing and Growth Deal Capacity Fund for the support of Local Area Energy Planning in Oxfordshire.
Exempt information under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972
The Future Oxfordshire Partnership gives notice that it may decide by passing the necessary motion to hold all or part of the discussion of this item in private on the grounds that there would likely be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest on disclosing the information.
The Partnership considered a report which referenced the final version of the Oxfordshire Local Area Energy Plan, (OxLAEP) Programme Scope and which presented the OxLAEP Outline Business Case, (OBC). Mark Saunders, Energy Systems and Investment Manager, Oxfordshire County Council introduced the report and gave a presentation summarising key points.
It was noted that the FOP was being asked to consider four possible options with Option Four as detailed on agenda page 59 the recommended decision. This was for full development of the OxLAEP programme and ongoing LAEP function including the suggested mitigations related to district council resource requirements and approval by the FOP of an addition £450,000 of funding in addition to the £150,000 previously approved.
Councillor David Rouane and Councillor Bethia Thomas commented that local area energy planning was a very useful and important piece of work, but it was right that the proposals withing the report had recognised the resourcing issues faced by district councils in supporting the LAEP which could potentially occur at the same time as the Local Plan inspection process in the case of South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils. In this context the ability for district councils to take a staged approach was welcomed and it acknowledged that the development of the proposals had been a collaborative process.
Councillor David Hingley commented on the importance of energy planning to all the district councils in Oxfordshire and that he had been pleased to see the lever of thought given to seeking to address the issue within the report. He supported the previous comments that from a district council perspective it was important to avoid a situation where costs of taking part outweighed the benefits. It was positive that additional sources of external funding to support the LAEP continued to be explored.
Nigel Tipple commented that on behalf of the Oxfordshire system, OxLEP was shortly to begin commissioning of a piece of work to look at green investment opportunities which could potentially align with timing of the wider LAEP process.
The Chair referred to the discussion of the proposals at the Infrastructure Advisory Group and involvement of a wide group of members and to the issues facing some developments in accessing electricity grid connections which would continue to need to be raised with HM Government. The proposals were an important part of moving to Net Zero.
In response to a question from Councillor Andy Graham, Andrew Down Future Oxfordshire Director confirmed that if agreed by the Partnership, the additional £450,000 requested would be funded from the Housing and Growth Deal Capacity Fund.
Councillor Graham also queried whether consideration had been given to the impact of the districts undertaking their Local Plan processes at different dates and stages on the overall LAEP process given the limited resources of the districts. In response, Mark Saunders indicated that it was felt to be possible for a stage gated process to be followed by the district councils in the development of the LAEP, but that this would be tested as part of the consultant procurement process. It was also confirmed that it was necessary to seek approval for the release of the full £450,000 now rather than instalments.
Councillor Susan Brown referred ongoing issues with the electricity grid and capacity within Oxfordshire which acted as a constraint on the County’s ability to grow. The cost of energy to domestic users was another important issue and therefore anything that could be done as part of the LAEP process to mitigate costs for users was to be welcomed.
In response to a question, Mark Saunders comment that creation of a LAEP would create a baseline around energy in the county based on current information and plans in place, but it would also look at future plans. LAEP sat alongside local spatial planning policy and both the LAEP and Local Plan processed would inform the other over different iterations.
1. That £450,000 of additional Housing and Growth Deal funding be allocated to the project.
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE