Reserved Matters application for the details of appearance, landscaping, scale, and layout following Outline Approval P21/V0679/O (Outline application for access for residential development of up to 5 dwellings). (Amended plans and information received 21 March 2024 as set out in accompanying agent cover letter).
The committee considered reserved matters application P23/V2385/RM for the details of appearance, landscaping, scale, and layout following Outline Approval P21/V0679/O (Outline application for access for residential development of up to 5 dwellings), (amended plans and information received 21 March 2024 as set out in accompanying agent cover letter), on land at 25 Orchard Way, Harwell, Didcot, OX11 0LQ.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application had been deferred from an earlier committee to allow a site visit to be carried out. She confirmed that the application followed the granting of outline planning permission in 2021. Since the report had been published, four further representations had been received objecting to the proposed heights, traffic and lack of parking.
The planning officer informed the committee that it was proposed to update condition 4 to require that the cycle parking was secure and covered. She confirmed that a management company would be responsible for managing the public areas. The planning officer went on to advise that a further condition was proposed to ensure a long term management plan for the planting in these areas was in place for the site.
The planning officer informed the committee that the application site was on the edge of the recreation ground. Five dwellings were proposed with the front dwelling being single storey and the remaining four being two storey. The planning officer showed plans of each house type and plans illustrating that council waste vehicle turning circles were possible on the site. She went on to show the committee photos of the vicinity of the site including the building types typical of the area.
The planning officer concluded by informing the committee that the principle of development had been approved. She advised that the application allowed consideration of the scale, appearance, layout and landscaping of the proposed dwellings. The planning officer confirmed that the application met neighbour amenity requirements and current parking standards.
Paul Luper spoke on behalf of Harwell Parish Council, objecting to the application.
Jez Hawthorne spoke objecting to the application.
Sean Bates, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
The committee asked if there was a proposed Construction Management Plan in light of the comments made regarding the difficulties during construction on Armstrong Close. The planning officer confirmed this was not currently proposed but that it would be possible and reasonable for the committee to add a Construction Management Plan condition if they were minded to grant planning permission. The planning officer advised that the condition should state the specific requirements of the plan such as construction hours, delivery times, requirement for a banksman. She went on to advise on the normal construction site working hours environmental health felt appropriate and that it would be possible to require deliveries outside of school drop off and collection times.
The committee asked if the road would be built in advance of the work commencing on site. The planning officer advised that some sort of access would be required in advance but that this was not something usually required by condition for this size of site.
The committee proposed and seconded a motion to approve the application subject to the additional conditions as set out by the planning officer and also a Construction Management Plan condition.
The committee noted that there was no highways objection and any damage caused would need to be put right as well as reflecting that there were highways enforcement officers who could be called upon should there be any breaches of condition.
The development manager asked for clarity as to the proposed Construction Management Plan condition. The committee wished to impose delivery time limits of between 9:30am and 2:30pm and that deliveries must be made onto the site, the requirement for wheel washing, provision of parking for construction vehicles on the site, banksman for turning vehicles and construction hours of 7:30am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday and 9:00am to 1:00pm on Saturdays. The development manager confirmed these requirements would apply until completion of the site.
A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application with additional conditions relating to covered cycle parking, a landscaping management plan and a Construction Traffic Management Plan was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve reserved matters application P23/V2385/RM, subject to the following conditions:
1. Commencement - Reserved Matters Approval
2. Approved plans
3. Biodiversity enhancement to be provided
4. Construction management plan
5. Secure and covered Bicycle storage to be provided
6. Visitor Car Parking in accordance with plans and retained
7. Dwellings Car Parking in accordance with plans and retained
8. Landscaping in accordance with plans
9. Boundary treatments in accordance with plans. Restriction on external south and west boundaries.
10. Maintenance and long term management plan for all public soft landscaped areas of site
11. Retention of Garage Accommodation Plot3
12. Materials in accordance with plans
Supporting documents:
01235 422520
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE