Agenda item

P19/V0169/RM - Land North West of Dunmore Road, Abingdon

Reserved Matters application following Outline Approval P17/V1336/O for residential development for 200 dwellings, together with associated access, landscaping and public open space, infrastructure (utilities) and biodiversities enhancements.


Councillor Jerry Avery encountered technical communication problems during the presentation of this item. He was unable to participate in or hear the whole debate and did not vote on this application.


The committee considered application P19/V0169/RM for a Reserved Matters application following Outline Approval P17/V1336/O for residential development for 200 dwellings, together with associated access, landscaping and public open space, infrastructure (utilities) and biodiversity enhancements on land north west of Dunmore Road, Abingdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that as this was a reserved matters application, the Committee was requested to consider scale, appearance and layout and were not required to revisit the original outline planning permission itself. He advised the Committee that the proposal had undergone eight sets of amendments in revising the scheme and in taking account of objections. As a result, a 2020 noise survey had been conducted and a revised noise assessment submitted.


The planning officer provided updates on the landscape officer’s comments, including the provision and location of a noise barrier on the north western part  of the site, tree planting and the number of street trees. The planning officer provided updates on the landscape officer’s comments, including the provision and location of a noise barrier on the north western part of the site, tree planting and the number of street trees.  As the landscaping plans had not been updated to reflect the current layout and given the comments expressed by the landscape officer, landscaping would be addressed by a planning condition requiring details to be submitted to and agreed by the Council.


Georgina Naish, on behalf of David Wilson Homes, the developer, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Emily Smith, in her capacity as an Oxfordshire County Councillor, spoke to the application, expressing concerns about traffic generation with the southern Lodge Hill slip roads not in place, no account being given to future A34 widening, and the apparent lack of funding from the developer to the clinical commissioning group for health services. Councillor Smith also highlighted the problem of parking on verges and asked about the possibility of installing bollards at some locations. The planning officer confirmed that this was possible through an additional planning condition. Councillor Smith also expressed concern over enforcing proposed condition 10 which related to preventing garage conversions without the need for planning permission.


Councillor Andy Foulsham, a local ward councillor, spoke to the application. He generally welcomed recent improvements to details on the application but requested a higher standard of play equipment to include baby swings and full provision for disabled children. He also considered that the lawn and picnic area adjacent to the bund should receive better protection from traffic. He requested noise monitoring next to the A34 and a construction management plan.


Councillor Margaret Crick, a local ward councillor, spoke to the application. She emphasised the wider environmental impact of the development, especially the benefits of reduced use of vehicles and improved opportunities for walking and cycling. Councillor Crick also highlighted the need to encourage the developer to install further environmentally friendly measures, such a solar panels and water collection points.


In response to questions from the Committee, the planning officer confirmed the proposed Condition 10, ‘garage retention for parking’ was enforceable by the Council. In respect of funding for health provision, he confirmed that Section 106 monies were not available, but the medical centre could apply to the Council for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding. The planning officer also responded to a query raised on paragraph 5.26 of the report, regarding the existence of a biodiversity report. He confirmed that such a survey had been undertaken, which was supported by the countryside officer and that conditions existed on the outline permission for a construction environmental management plan and landscape environmental management plan. In respect of mitigating noise nuisance, the planning officer confirmed that according to the submitted noise report all properties were to be fitted with double glazing.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application with the extra proposed landscaping condition revised, relating to the installation of bollards, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P19/V0169/RM, subject to the following conditions


1.         Approved plans


Pre-Occupancy or Other Stage Conditions


2.         Parking provision before occupancy of each dwelling

3.         Electric car charging points for each house with on plot parking

4.         Boundary treatments provision

5.         Implementation of noise mitigation

6.         Provision of five secure cycle parking stands beside the MUGA before its first use

7.         Landscaping scheme to be approved before any development above slab level


Post Occupancy Monitoring and Management Conditions


8.         Implementation of landscaping

9.         Any piling to be first agreed

10.       Garage retention for parking



1.Superfast broadband


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