Agenda item

P19/V1340/FUL& P19/V1341/LB - 13-17 London Street, Faringdon, SN7 7AE

Demolition of existing storage shed and garage to the rear of the property and conversion of existing offices, storage and bakery in the listed building into 2 x 2 bed apartments and 2 x 1 bed apartments. Development on land to the rear consisting of 3 x 1 bed apartments with associated parking and landscaping (bat survey received 18 July 2019).  (Revised Heritage Statement, Transport Statement, Design and Access Statement and revised drawings: C209.02A, C209.03B, C209.04B, C209.05A, C209.06A, C209.07A, C209.08A, C209.10A, C209.11A and C209.12A and Viability Statement, Contaminated land questionnaire received 6 December 2019 and amended by site plan C209.03revC received 14 Jan 2020) (amended plans showing vehicle tracking and cycle parking received 2 March 2020).


The Committee considered applications P19/V1340/FUL and P19/V1341/LB for the demolition of existing storage shed and garage to the rear of the property and conversion of existing offices, storage and bakery in the listed building into 2 x 2 bed apartments and 2 x 1 bed apartments. Development on land to the rear consisting of 3 x 1 bed apartments with associated parking and landscaping (bat survey received 18 July 2019) (revised Heritage Statement, Transport Statement, Design and Access Statement and revised drawings: C209.02A, C209.03B, C209.04B, C209.05A, C209.06A, C209.07A, C209.08A, C209.10A, C209.11A and C209.12A and Viability Statement, Contaminated land questionnaire received 6 December 2019 and amended by site plan C209.03revC received 14 Jan 2020) (amended plans showing vehicle tracking and cycle parking received 2 March 2020) at 13-17 London Street, Faringdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The democratic services officer read to the Committee a statement made by Councillor David Grant and Councillor Bethia Thomas (referred to above in minute 109 - Declarations of Interest), which gave their reasons for not commenting on the applications. The full text was;


“Dear Chair and members of the Vale of White Horse Planning Committee,


We are writing to you to explain why, despite being ward members for Faringdon, we are unfortunately unable to comment on this application due to conflicts of interests.  Cllr. Thomas previously worked for and is friends with the developer in question, whereas Cllr. Grant lives in close proximity to the proposed development.


While we are aware that the Town Council are objecting to the development, we feel it would be improper for either of us to comment on this application in either direction to avoid the appearance of undue bias or impropriety.  We understand the Development Manager has used her discretion under the circumstances to call this development into the planning committee and we thank the committee in advance for giving the application its consideration.


Yours faithfully,

Cllr. Bethia Thomas & Cllr David Grant”


The planning officer reported that the proposed scheme had been amended considerably since it was first submitted, notably the reduction in scale of the new-build accommodation.  A viability report had been produced in respect of the office accommodation and was attached to the report (Appendix 1).


The Committee noted the relevant planning considerations in the determination of the application namely: The principle of the development – housing/employment/retail policy; visual impact and heritage considerations; impact on residential amenity, traffic, parking and highway safety; environmental considerations - flood risk, drainage, biodiversity and contamination considerations; Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).


The planning officer reported that the Faringdon Town Council wished to retain the office use, which they considered was supported by neighbourhood plan policies. The viability report, however, had concluded that residential use was the only realistic option; the office space had been unoccupied for four years. Additionally, planning officers did not consider that the proposed use detracted from the vitality of the town centre.



With respect to residential amenity, the planning officer reported that the original scheme had been significantly revised following officer input, reducing its height and scale and removing balconies to ensure that the impacts of overlooking and loss of light to neighbouring residents were limited. Planning conditions had been included to ensure rooflights were high-level and windows on the front elevation, facing Swan Lane, were obscure glazed.


The planning officer also reported that the existing flats within the listed building did not currently benefit from any allocated parking and this would continue to be the case. It was not reasonable in planning terms to require the current scheme to provide parking for existing residential units. Local residents were concerned that there was insufficient parking provided and that this would worsen existing on-street congestion. The County Highways Officer had carefully assessed the proposal and was aware of on-street parking issues in Faringdon. He is mindful of government advice contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) concerning the need to assess parking in the light of local circumstances, including the proximity and availability of public transport. The site was located within Faringdon town centre, with convenient access to public transport options. Furthermore, there were on-street car parking controls in the vicinity. Considering all of these factors, the County Highways Officer did not object.


In response to a question from the Committee regarding the location of cycle parking and bin stores, the planning officer reported that cycle parking would be situated in the north west corner of the site. There would be bin storage on Swan Lane. The new build flats would have storage in the north east area of the car space. The planning officer also reported that a construction management scheme would handle all construction and building works to minimise inconvenience to residents and the general public.


A motion, moved and seconded, to grant planning permission for the application was declared carried on being put to the vote. 


The committee then went to discuss the application for listed building consent. 


The planning officer reported that the council’s conservation officer was satisfied that the new-build element was of an appropriate height, scale and design, which respected its location and that the proposal would not have an adverse impact on the significance of the listed building, and would preserve the character and appearance of the Faringdon Conservation Area, subject to conditions to ensure the internal and external detail of the proposal were acceptable. The works would not adversely affect the character of the listed building as a building of special architectural or historic interest. The Conservation Officer had confirmed that the proposed development was in keeping with the setting of the listed building. Officers were also of the view that the application complied with the development plan and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.


A motion, moved and seconded, to grant listed building consent for the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.




(a)       to grant planning permission for application P19/V1340/FUL subject to the following conditions:



1.   Commencement of development

2.   Approved plans



3.   Pre-commencement landscaping scheme

4.   Landscape implementation

5.   Pre-commencement surface water drainage

6.   Pre-commencement foul drainage

7.   Pre-commencement archaeology – submission and implementation of

      Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI)

8.   Pre-commencement Construction Method Statement (CMS)

9.   Pre-commencement submission of a schedule of works and materials for

      historic fabric

10. Pre-commencement submission of joinery details, internal and external

      staircases and materials for new-build

11. Pre-commencement schedule of interventions to listed building to meet

      building regulations


Prior to Occupation

12. Pre-commencement details of bin store and cycle parking

13. Access and parking in accordance with approved plan

14. Bicycle parking in accordance with approved plans

15. Provision of new footway


Continuing Control

16. Obscure glazing

17. Rooflights – cil level

18. Rooflights – flush fitting, conservation type



Works within the Highway

Detailed bats informative

Wild bird informative



(b)       to grant listed building consent for application P20/V1341/LB subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement of works

2. Approved plans

3. Pre-commencement submission of a schedule of works and materials for

    historic fabric

4. Pre-commencement submission of joinery details

5. Pre-commencement schedule of interventions to listed building to meet

    building regulations








Supporting documents: