Agenda item

P18/V2787/RM - Land north of A417, East of Wantage

Reserved Matters application for infrastructure works including internal roads, car parking, landscaping of open spaces and the civic square.


The committee considered reserved matters application P18/V2787/RM for infrastructure works including internal roads, car parking, landscaping of open spaces and the civic square, on land north of the A417 (Crab Hill), east of Wantage. 


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


Julia Reynolds spoke objecting to the application on behalf of Wantage Town Council. 


Bernard Connolly spoke objecting to the application on behalf of the Wantage and Grove Campaign Group. 


Nicky Brock, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. 


The committee questioned the number of parking spaces to be provided in the civic square.  By limiting the parking spaces in the square to twelve, local residents would be encouraged to walk rather than use their cars.  The provision of twelve spaces was considered sufficient in planning terms.  The committee noted that the management company would be responsible for managing parking in the square, not the council. 


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote. 


RESOLVED: to approve planning permission for application P18/V2787/RM subject to the following conditions:



1.  Approved plans



2  Prior to commencement of any works on the Local Park (East) a woodland management plan shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The management plan shall be prepared by a qualified and experienced forestry or arboricultural consultant and shall include the following elements:

1) A statement setting out the aims and objectives of the overall design vision for the woodland and for adjacent individual trees retained as part of the development – including amenity classification, nature conservation value and accessibility.

2) Type and frequency of management operations to achieve and sustain canopy, understorey and ground cover, and to provide reinstatement including planting where tree loss or vandalism occurs. 

3)  Frequency of safety inspections, which should be at least three yearly in areas of high risk, less often in lower risk areas. 

4) Full details of all proposed tree planting, within and adjacent to the woodland edge, to include species, size, location and maintenance specifications. 

5)  Confirmation that the tree pruning work is carried out by suitably qualified and insured tree contractors to British Standard 3998 (2010). 

6) Special measures relating to Protected Species or habitats, e.g. intensive operations to avoid March - June nesting season or flowering period. 

7)  Inspection for pests, vermin and diseases and proposed remedial measures. 

8)  Recommendations relating to how trees within the immediate vicinity of properties or within private areas are to be protected, such that these are retained without the loss of their canopy or value as habitat. 

9) Confirmation of cyclical management plan assessments and revisions to evaluate the plan’s success and identification of any proposed actions. 


The woodland shall be managed in accordance with the approved management plan at all times thereafter. 


Reason: To ensure that the woodland areas within the proposal are satisfactorily safeguarded, managed and maintained in the long term in the interest of nature conservation and the visual amenity of the area and to accord with core policy 44 (i) and (viii) of the Local Plan.



1. The following conditions attached to the outline application are partially discharged in respect of submitted details for this phase of development: 18 (CEMP), 9 and 32 (LEMP), 24 (Tree Protection), 25 (Landscape Maintenance), 36 (Lighting) and 49 (Highway Design). 


2. The applicant is reminded of the obligation of compliance with the relevant conditions on the outline application that apply to this phase (e.g. CEMP and LEMP implementation). 

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