Agenda item

P17/V1082/O - Land south of Park Road, Faringdon

Hybrid application for the demolition of existing building/structures and the comprehensive redevelopment of land south of Park Road, Faringdon, comprising up to 380 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, provision of an Extra Care facility (Use Class C2 or C3), the provision of land for a school (Use Class D1), vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Park Road and Sands Hill, parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and other associated works: 'Phase 1' (Full details): 103 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated works. Outline: up to 277 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), Extra Care Facility (Use Class C3 or C2), land for a school (Use Class D1), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated work with all matters reserved. 


The committee considered a series of design amendments to the hybrid application P17/V1082/O for the demolition of existing building/structures and the comprehensive redevelopment of land south of Park Road, Faringdon; comprising up to 380 residential dwellings (use Class C3) including affordable homes, provision of an extra care facility (use Class C2 or C3), the provision of land for a school (use Class D1), vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Park Road and Sands Hill, parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and other associated works. The amendments only relate this phase:


'Phase 1' (Full details): 103 residential dwellings (use Class C3), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated works.

Outline: up to 277 residential dwellings (use Class C3), Extra Care Facility (use Class C3 or C2), land for a school (use Class D1), access and parking,

public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated work with all matters reserved.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer updates:

·         The Urban Design Officer had now commented on the application and had no issues with the proposed changes.

·         Work is continuing on the S106 agreement between the developer, Oxfordshire County Council and officers to word the legal agreement; the amendments have not resulted in any adjustments to the contributions.


Jonathan Dodd, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


A motion, moved and seconded, to authorise the head of planning to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to authorise the head of planning to grant outline planning consent and planning permission for application P17/V1082/O, subject to:


I.        A Section 106 legal agreement being entered into in order to ensure

financial contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure

affordable housing; and

II.        Conditions (or provision in S106 as appropriate) as follows:


Full Application

1.    Commencement three years.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    Material details to be agreed.

4.    Slab level details to be agreed.

5.    Landscaping details to be agreed (including additional tree planting,

tree pit details, streetlighting details and a management and

maintenance plan).

6.    Tree protection and method statement to be agreed.

7.    Construction environmental management plan for biodiversity (phased).

8.    Water supply infrastructure impact study and connection points to be agreed.

9.    Sustainable surface water drainage scheme to be agreed.

10. Foul drainage details to be agreed.

11. Piling method statement to be agreed.

12. Construction traffic management plan (including dust management

plan) to be agreed.

13. Access and visibility splays details to be agreed.

14. Field access to be closed details to be agreed.

15. Cycle parking details to be agreed.

16. Phased contaminated land risk assessment to be agreed.

17. Boundary treatment details to be agreed (incl. to substation and

pumping station).

18. Scheme of noise mitigation to be agreed.

19. Residential travel plan incl. residential travel packs.

20. Details of mitigation measures in air quality assessment to be


21. Validation report of any previously approved remediation works to

be agreed.

22. Prior to 50th occupation – emergency access onto Sands Hill formed

details to be agreed.

23. School parking and square in place prior to occupation of school.

24. Mitigation to be undertaken in accordance with the written scheme

of investigation.

25. Landscaping implementation.

26. Hours of construction and demolition work.

27. Turning and parking areas to be provided.

28. Garages to be retained for parking purposes.



1.    Commencement two years after reserved matters approval,

reserved matters within three years.

2.    Reserved matters to be submitted.

3.    Approved plans list.

4.    Construction environmental management plan for biodiversity

(phased) to be agreed.

5.    Phased contaminated land risk assessment to be agreed.

6.    Foul water drainage details to be agreed.

7.    Water supply infrastructure impact study and connection points to

be agreed.

8.    Foul drainage details to be agreed.

9.    Sustainable surface water drainage scheme to be agreed.

10. Piling method statement to be agreed.

11. Slab level details to be agreed.

12. Tree protection and method statement to be agreed.

13. Construction traffic management plan (including dust management

plan) to be submitted.

14. Biodiversity enhancement plan to be agreed.

15. Slab level details to be agreed.

16. Details of mitigation measures in air quality assessment to be


17. Validation report of any previously approved remediation works to

be agreed.

18. Scheme of noise mitigation to be agreed.

19. Landscape scheme implementation.

20. Prior to occupation of extra care home – travel plan.

21. Hours of construction and demolition work.

22. Mitigation to be undertaken in accordance with the written scheme

of investigation.

23. In accordance with approved housing mix.



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