Agenda item

P17/V2961/FUL - Land south of Kennington, East of Kennington Road, Kennington, Oxford

Hybrid application consisting of (a) full planning application for the erection of 283 dwellings with two vehicular access points onto Kennington Road,  play area, public open space, attenuation basins and associated infrastructure and (b) Outline planning application for a 0.18ha site for community use (Class D1) building.


Councillor Bob Johnston stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting for this item.


The committee considered hybrid application P17/V2961/FUL on land south of Kennington, east of Kennington Road. Consisting of:

(a)  Full planning application for the erection of 283 dwellings with two vehicular access points onto Kennington Road, play area, public open space, attenuation basins and associated infrastructure;

(b)  Outline planning application for a 0.18 ha site for community use building (Class D1).


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer updates:

·         There is a correction to the report on page 36 – it should read the Parish of Radley not Kennington in the heading.

·         The parish council also wish to point out on pages 42-43 where it is stated that: the Vale are considering whether to accept the Examiner’s recommendations on the Neighbourhood Plan before deciding whether it should proceed to referendum; further work is required to ensure legal compliance with the Habitats Regulations. That the Habitats issues were resolved on 5 July, following which the Vale decided on 9 July to accept the Examiner’s recommendations and to proceed to referendum.  The referendum is to be held on 13 September.

·         Members have received further representations from residents raising concerns outlined in the reports on infrastructure, foul drainage and traffic.

·         Following a clarification request from Councillor Bob Johnston, the market housing mix (in paragraph 5.2) should be as follows - 11 x 1 bed, 40 x 2 bed, 77 x 3 bed and 56 x 4 bed, so 1 less 3 bed unit and 1 more 4 bed unit. This is based on the developers’ submitted accommodation schedule.

·         Condition 5 is no longer required as materials are covered under the outline approved plans Condition 2.


Chris Henderson and Richard Dudding, representatives of Kennington Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. 


Paul Parrish and Anne Newman objecting to the application. 


Alice Kirkham, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


Bob Johnston and Edward Blagrove, the local ward councillors, spoke to the application. 


In response to questions raised by the committee, the officers reported that:

·         Condition 17 can be amended to require no occupation until Thames Water have completed foul drainage works.

·         Sugworth Lane can be specifically referenced in the construction traffic management plan condition.

·         S106 contributions would be the same despite the change in housing mix, however CIL contributions would be slightly less due to the change in floor space.

·         A trigger can be formalised in the details for the play area to ensure it is not put in at the end of the development phase.


A motion, moved and seconded, to authorise the head of planning to approve the application with the above suggested additional/amended conditions and removal of Condition 5 (materials in accordance with approved plans) was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to authorise the head of planning to grant planning permission for application P17/V2961/FUL, subject to:


·         A S106 legal agreement to secure financial contributions, affordable housing and open space provision.

·         The following planning conditions:


1.    Approved plans.

2.    Submission of reserved matters for community use land.

3.    Full time limit of commencement.

4.    Outline time limit of commencement.

5.    Kennington Road accesses and vision splay details to be constructed in accordance with approved plans.

6.    Construction traffic management plan.

7.    On-site foul and surface water drainage details.

8.    SuDs details.

9.    Landscaping details.

10. Staged programme of archaeological investigation in accordance with approved written scheme of investigation.

11. Roads and footpaths provided to each respective dwelling.

12. Car parking in accordance with approved plans.

13. Updated travel plan statement.

14. External lighting details (for bat species protection).

15. Boundary details in accordance with approved plans.

16. Noise mitigation in accordance with noise assessment recommendations.

17. Off-site foul drainage works prior to occupation.

18. Electric charging points to be provided for each market unit with a garage.

19. Garage accommodation to be retained.

20. Tree protection details.

21. Landscape maintenance for five years.




Supporting documents: