Agenda item

P17/V1894/O - Land to the North West of Radley

Outline planning application for up to 240 dwellings (comprising a mix of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom dwellings) including affordable housing, open space and all associated ancillary works with all matters reserved except access.


Councillors Bob Johnston and Robert Hall, local ward councillors, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting for this item.


The committee considered outline application P17/V1894/O for the development of up to 240 dwellings, including affordable housing, open space and all associated ancillary works on land to the North West of Radley, with all matters reserved except access.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer updates: an extra condition relating to a landscape and ecology management plan is recommended for inclusion. Following a query from the local badger group, officers confirmed that Natural England’s first response to the application stated they had no comment to make. Their response to the revised scheme is: “The advice provided in our previous response applies equally to this amendment although we made no objection to the original proposal.” The County Council have also confirmed that they will not be seeking a s106 contribution towards land for a secondary school expansion due to pooling restrictions, but that a contribution towards primary school transport may be required and can be secured via S106 as direct mitigation.


Chris Henderson, a representative of Radley Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. 


Revd. Tony Rogerson, a representative of St. James Church and the Church Housing Group, spoke objecting to the application. 


Gemma Care and Craig Pettit, the applicant’s agents, spoke in support of the application.


Edward Blagrove and Bob Johnston, two of the local ward councillors, spoke objecting to the application. 


In response to questions raised by the committee, the officers reported that:

·         There is no specific requirement in the Local Plan for site connectivity via a footpath/cycle link through existing development to the east/south of the site. The proposal includes suitable pedestrian and cycle linkages that are proportionate and reasonable for the scale and nature of the application.

·         If members required it, a compliance condition can be included to safeguard the area of open space along the southern boundary of the site, which would not preclude the future provision of a footpath/cycle link by the parish council.


Whilst concerned about the connectivity of the site, committee members were satisfied that the application was acceptable in planning terms as a strategic site in the Local Plan.


A motion, moved and seconded, to authorise the head of planning to approve the application with the extra conditions relating to a landscape and ecology management plan and safeguarding open space, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to authorise the head of planning to grant outline planning permission for application P17/V1894/O, subject to:


I.        A Section 106 legal agreement being entered into in order to ensure financial contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure affordable housing; and

II.        Conditions (or provision in S106 as appropriate) as follows:


1.    Time limit – outline.

2.    Submission of reserved matters.

3.    Approved plans.

4.    Construction environment management plan for biodiversity to be


5.    Air quality screening assessment to be agreed.

6.    Contaminated land phased risk assessment to be agreed.

7.    Details of protection of strategic water main to be agreed.

8.    Sustainable drainage details to be agreed.

9.    Drainage maintenance plan to be agreed.

10. Groundwater monitoring to be agreed.

11. Clearance and survey of existing culvert and ditch to be agreed.

12. Method statement for groundwater management during construction phase to be agreed.

13. Foul water drainage details to be agreed.

14. Construction method statement (including construction traffic management plan) to be agreed.

15. Details of pedestrian/cycle crossing point for Church Lane to be agreed.

16. Details of connection to Church Farm access to be agreed.

17. Details of Whites Lane stopping up to be agreed.

18. Details of off-site highway works and timetable for implementation to be agreed.

19. Written scheme of archaeological investigation to be agreed.

20. Programme of archaeological work to be agreed.

21. Tree protection plan to be agreed.

22. Biodiversity Enhancement Plan (BEP).

23. Implementation of noise mitigation measures.

24. Housing mix to be agreed.

25. Electric charging points designed into properties with garages.

26. Contaminated land validation report.

27. Confirmation of wastewater network upgrade completion or housing and infrastructure phasing plan agreed.

28. Access and visibility splays to be provided in accordance with plans.

29. Updated residential travel plan statement.

30. Hours of construction work.

31. New estate roads to Highway Authority specification.

32. No drainage to highway.

33. Landscape and Ecology Management plan (LEMP) to be submitted and agreed, prior to occupation of relevant phase/s of development which include the old quarry area.

34. Safeguarding of open space to the southern boundary of the site, in accordance with the submitted parameter plans, to not preclude any future potential pedestrian/cycle linkages.



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